Praying to The Kitsune

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Then Akemi and Po simultaneously raindrops onto the small grass. Akemi's eyes no longer glew bright white as her eyes turned back to normal. Akemi and Po were silent and horrified about the truths. Akemi collapses onto her knees right before Po did the same.

Soothsayer approaches them as tears stroll from Akemi's eyes as she began to cry while Po tries to hold back the tears of what really happened to his mother. Akemi started to cry uncontrollably as of what happened. Her own brother in law killed her own sister / his lover. How could he do this to her ? To Sunita ? To the both of them ?

Soothsayer- Your stories may not have such happy beginnings... But that does not make you two who you are... They're the rest of your stories... Who you two choose to be...

Akemi shudders as she takes a deep breath , controlling her tears.

She then remembers herself as an 8-week old pup when she jumped out of a cabbage crate , onto Po as she happily barks at him... Crane helping her up whilst meeting her for the first time...Oogway choosing both Akemi and Po as Dragon warriors...Their first day as the Jade palace...Meeting Shofu and the rest of the Five... Akemi bonding more with Crane while eating noodles...Kitsune leading her to the Temple of Heaven.... Training under her... Crane getting jealous as she was flirting with the wolf soldiers ...Crane pitifully looking back at her back in Gongmen Jail... Her looking at the Kitsune's blue butterflies before they disappear ... Akemi kissing Crane on the cheek before she leaves... Baby Akemi smiling at young Ping as she and Po have a wok on their heads as he smiles ... Then lastly , he was feeding the babies , that were in their makeshift cribs.

Akemi wipes her tears at the memories from long ago as she stands up with her eyes closed .

Soothsayer- So... Who are you , panda and vixen ?

Po stands up also as they open their eyes with fierce and determined expressions plastered on their faces.

Po & Akemi- We are Po and Akemi...

Po- And I'm gonna need a hat.

Akemi , looks at him amused with a raised brow.

Meanwhile , back at the Jade Palace , Shifu still looks upon the thunder as he mourns for his students. Bit he lightens up as he had an idea.

He exits the grotto and heads to Oogway's new peach tree. He gets on his knees and sighs before he clasps his paws together as he makes a prayer...

Shifu- Oh , the Mighty Master Kitsune... I pray to you ... I pray to you because I sensed something terrible has happened in Gongmen... And please.... Please I beg of you... I beg of you to help my students and save China from Lord Shen's evil plan.( Looks up at the sky ) Please...

Then a small blue butterfly flutters downn and lands on Shifu's finger. He looks at the butterfly desperately before he pleads to it.

Shifu- Please... Please help them.

The papillon tilts it's head a little as it slightly flaps it's wings. After a few moments of staring , the butterfly then fllies away into the sky until Shifu isn't able to see it again..

To Be Continued...

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