Pep Talk

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Late at night , the sampan boat sails down a wide river. Po , Akemi , and the Five are all sleeping peacefully. Akemi usees her three tails as a blanket. She then began to moan dreadfully as if someone is trying to hurt her.

Dream Realm.....

In the dream , Akemi is in what it seems like a luxurious and beautiful malachite green room.

Akemi- ( Looks around ) Huh ? What is this place ?

Akemi explores around the room amd notices two wide gold doors with two peacock symbols engraved on the doors .

Akemi- Ohh.

Then the doors burst open as we see a short elderly goat woman , two peacocks : One male and blue green & one female and hot pink . And lastly . Akemi gasps as she spots the same white vixen walking by the goat woman's side.

Male- Please , Soothsayer .We need your help ! We're afraid of what was are son becoming .

Female- Yes. Please . Will you help us ?

The goat called the Soothsayer looks back at them before fully turning around.

Soothsayer- Very well. I'll assist you on your son's future.

Male- ( Sighs in relief ) Oh , thank the heavens. Thank you , Soothsayer.

Female- ( Smiles gratefully ) Yes. Thank you so much.

The Soothsayer faces the vixen.

Soothsayer- My dear , can you bring me my things for me , please ?

Vixen- ( Bows respectfully ) Hai .

The snow white vixen walks over to the table and grabs a bowl filled with  unknown contents and brings them over to her boss and sets them down gently before she sits on her knees . The peacock couple waited patiently for the soothsayer to get her stuff together.

Akemi walks a little closer besides the goat. Soothsayer takes a deep breath before she faces the royal peacocks.

Soothsayer- Lú Songshi ..... Lien Hua... The future of your son... If he proceeds on his current path...

The couple.  Lú and Lien look on in anticipation. An apparition made of smoke turned into a white peacock. Akemi looks on as her blue eyes widened. Then the white peacock is consumed by the yin yang symbol.

Soothsayer- He will be defeated by a warrior of black and white.... And---

Before she could finish , they heard a loud clattering sound that caught everyone off guard. Akemi , Soothsayer , Lú x Lien , and the vixen quickly turned their heads to see that a tall and gold candle holder has fallen down and a similar shadow quickly rushes off.

Lú and Lien rush over to the candle holder. Lú picks it back up but Lien spots a familiar tail feather . Lú spots it as well as he picks it up and examines it as his wife looks at him in concern.

Lien- He was here ! He must've heard us !

Akemi looks on and was about to walk over to them until she heard a loud , immature , masculine scream.

Real World...

Akemi snaps awake as she heard screaming . She sees the door left ajar. She walks over to it and gently creaks it open. She sees Po talking to Tigress.

Po- Heh. Are you kidding me ? We're warriors right ? Nerves of steel ! ( Poses ) Souls of platinum ! Like you ! You're hardcore. So , you don't feel anything.

Tigress's eyes widened as Po punches her arm but she retracts his fist in pain. Surprised at what he just said. Akemi shakes her head and walks out with the rest of the Five by her side.

Akemi- So ,  what're you guys talking about

Mantis- Yeah.

Viper- Po's having Daddy issues.

Mantis- Man. I'm so lucky that I don't hace problems my dad. ( Thinks about it ) Maybe because my mom ate his head before I was born. I don't know.

Viper-Mantis ! This isn't about you !  Po is the one freaking out and Akemi is the one frustrated .

Akemi- Okay. Who said I was frustrated ? I'm perfectly fine.

Viper- Akemi.... You don't have to hide it. You have been stressing over the passed days since we got home from the Musician's village. What has been eating you up from the inside ?

Crane walks over to Akemi's side and looks at her with a  genuinely caring expression in his eyes.

Crane- Yeah. You wanna talk about it ?

Akemi , looks up at Crane and flashes him a sweet smile before she backs up two steps.

Akemi- Okay. Thank you , Crane and Viper for your concern , but I'm perfectly fine. Really !

Po- Yeah ! And I'm not freaking out !

Tigress- Guys ?

Po- I'm freaking in .

Tigress- ( Looks back ) Guys !

Everyone stops and turns their attention towards Tigress as she looks back up front.

Tigress- We're here. Gongmen City.

They spot the beautiful city and the royal tower as the sunrise shines above it.

To Be Continued...

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