Shifu & The Kitsune

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Back art the Jade Palace , Shifu jolts out of his meditation as he hears a thunder clap outsude the Dragon Grotto. He topples off the staff , stricken by what he has felt. He gets back up on his feet amd stares at the thunder outside. Horrified that something has happened.

With Kitsune......

The same butterfly fron Gongmen flies all the way back into the Temple of Heaven and gently lands on top of Kitsune's nose as it gives her the message by sending forest green aura waves throughout  her crystal statue form.

And suddenly , Kitsune snaps out of her crystal form with a gasp. She pants as she faces the exit. She slowly walks up to the exit and looks up at the now cloud sky with drizzling rain. She had got the butterfly's message. Akemi and Po were shot by a cannon in Gongmen City.

Kitsune- ( Looks down in denial ) No...

Kitsune looks back up at the raining sky. She could feel tears brimming from her eyes and quickly stream down her face. She then lets out a real loud depressed howl into the sky. Who could blame her ? The little student her kind .... Is seemingly dead.

To Be Continued.....

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