Shen's Future

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The atrium at the very topof the palace tower. Inside , the decorative banners were being pulled down by the gorilla soldiers as the cannon is rolled into the room  . Lord Shen . now fully grown , approaches a gold and turquoise throne in a shape of a peacock. He smiles affectionately at it.

Shen- Ahh , my Father's Throne. He used to let me and Sunita play here beside him ; Promising that this throne... Would be mine.

Shen's smile became cruel and cold. Seconds later , the throne was tossed out the window and the giant cannon takes it's place.

Shen- ( Points to left ) A little to the left.

Gorilla- ( Points at cannon ) But , it's so heavy , Master.

Shen walks up to the cannon.

Shen- 30 years I've waited for this moment . Everything must be exactly how I envisioned it. And I envisioned it... A little to the left.

The gorillas adjusted it to the left as Shen faces the front comfidently.

Shen-Perfect. With the weapon by mi si-- ah , a little bit more.

The gorillas adjusted it agaim and Shen regains his dominant posture.

Shen- With the weapon by my side , all of China will bow before me. We move out in three days when the moon is full and the tide is high.

Shen scoffs a chuckle and then turns to Soothsayer , who's sitting among her divination objects in a corner of the room.

Shen- Now , you old goat. Why don't you tell me my--

Soothsayer- Fortune ?

Flabbergasted , the albino peacock stammers in place.

Shen Th-the future. I was going to say future. Look into your bowl. Tell me what glory awaits.

She looks into the small bowl.

Soothsayer- If you continue on your current path...

Her eyes rolled upwards. Shen , intrigued , walks down the small steps in the middle of the room.

Soothsayer- You will find yourself...( Deadpanned ) At the bottom if the stairs.

Shen stops at the bottom step and looks down at the ground before he looks back up at the Soothsayer as he huffs in annoyance before he approaches her as she looks into her bowl.

Soothsayer- I see... I see... ( Eyes narrow ) I see pain !

She plucks a feather from Shen's wing , makong him exclaim in pain before she grabs onto the bottom of his kimono.

Soothsayer- And anger.

She then bites off the piece off the bottom before he angrily yanks the robe away.

Shen- How dare you ?! This is the finest silk in the province !

Soothsayer- ( Looks down ) Followed by denial...

Shen- This isn't fortune telling ! You're just saying what's happening right--!

Soothsayer- Now ?

Shen shuts up and sighs in exasperation. Soothsayer places the feather and the piece of the robe in her bowl.

Soothsayer- The most important time is now. But if you really want to see the future...

Glowing blue and white smoke suddenly erupts from the bowl. Shen's eyes widened with interest.

Shen- What do you see ?

The clouds form into a peacock.

Soothsayer- A peacock... Is defeated by a warrior of black and white... And along with a three tailed trickster.

The peacock was consumed by a yim yang symbol and three scarlet tails below it. The gorillas become frightened.

Soothsayer- Nothing has changed...

Then the shocked and infuriated Shen shatters the bowl with a throwing knife and fans the apparition away with his tail. Soothsayer looks up at Shen.

Shen- That's impossible... And you know it !

Soothsayer- ( Stands up and smirks ) It is not impossible and he knows it .

Shocked and curious , Shen looks back at her.

Shen- Who ?

Shen turns his head to see Boss Wolf rushing up the stairs and in front of him.

Boss Wolf- Lord Shen ! I saw a panda !

Shen- A panda ?

Shen launches in the air and pins Boss Wolf to the floor by the neck.

Boss Wolf- A kung fu warrior. Fought like a demon. Big and furry... Soft and squishy... Eh ! Kinda plush amd cuddly ! And there was a three tailed vixen... She's hot.. Good at fighting as the panda.. And has quite a fiery and tempting personality... Kinda dig her now.

Shen looked like he was gonna lose it at any moment.

Shen- But there are no pandas or a three tailed fox.

Soothsayer walks over to Boss Wolf.

Soothsayer- Even with his poor eyesight ...

Soothsayer pokes the wolf's scarred eye , making him growl at her.

Soothsayer- ...He can see the truth. Why is it that you cannot ?

Shen glares at her for a second before he glowers down at Boss Wolf.

Shen- Find this panda and vixen , amd bring them to me !

Then he flings him away.

Boss Wolf- Yes , sir !

He then retreats downstairs.

Shen- So one panda and one three tailed vixen live that does not make you right.

Shen walks away. But Soothsayer smirks.

Soothsayer- You're right. Being rightmakes me right.

Shen stops in his tracks.

Shen- Then I will kill them... And make you wrong.

He then hears munching behind and and he looks down to see Soothsayer chewing on his robe again. So he yanks the hems out of her mouth , agitated.

Shen- Will you stop that ?!

To Be Continued...

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