The Journey Begins

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Akemi rushes up the stairs and sees Po , Shifu , and the Five gathered outside the arena.

Akemi- Guys ! I'm here ! What's going on ?!

She spots Shifu reading a scroll.

Shifu- Are you familiar with the Master of Gongmen City.

Po- You mean Master Thundering Rhino ?

Shifu- Yes.

Akemi- Son of the Legendary Flying Rhino ?

Shifu- Yes.

Po- ( Excited ) And the slayer of 10,000 serpents of the valley of Woe ?

Shifu- ( Looks at Po ) He's dead.

Everyone became shocked.

Crane- But that's impossible !

Tigress- Rhino's horn defense is imperious to any technique.

Akemi- Yeah ! How can he be dead ?

Shifu- This was no technique. Lord Shen has created a weapon : One that spits fire ; Amd this other spits metal. Unless he stops... ( Turns around and faces the Five , Akemi , and Po ) Thos could be the end of kung fu.

Po- But Akemi and I just got kung fu !

Shifu- And now , you must save it ! Now , go ! ( Points forward ) Destroy the weapon and bring Lord Shen to justice !

Akemi- Okay !

Akemi hitches a ride on Crane as they take off.

Akemi- I wonder what weapon is it. What do you think , Crane ?

Crane- I actually don't know , Akemi. But whatever it is , we'll take it down !

Akemi- Together !

Crane and Akemi exchanged smiles at each other as they proceed andAkemi sees Po catching up to them.

Po- Inmer peace , inner peace , innner peace. ( Smiles coolly ) Peace on.

???- Po ! Akemi !

Po, Akemi , and the others stopped in their tracks and see Ping with a satchel and a huge backpack. Akemi gets off of Crane and walks next to Po in front of the Five.

Ping- I got you two your travel packs. Po , I packed you foods for weeks : Cookies , buns , vegetables ... And I even packed you your action figures.

Ping takes out his Mantis and Tigress figurines and plays briefly with them .

Ping- See ?

Akemi and Monkey guffaw as Monkey points at Po and Tigress looks at the embarrassed panda in amusement. But the humiliation is just beginning.

Po- Oh ! Uh , hey ! I don't know what those are. Never seen them before in my life.

Tigress leaves his side , just enough for the humiliated panda to bend down a bit and carefully grabs his figurine of Tigress.

Po- Dad , you got scratches son my Tigress.

Akemi continues to snicker nore until...

Ping- Oh ! Don't think I fogot about you , Akemi.

Hearing what her father said , her ears pointed backwards an.d her eyelids drooped with embarrassment.

Akemi- Dad , please don't...

Too late.

Ping- I got all of your favorite weapons.

He takes out twin sai and a morning star. Akemi felt like she was gonna blow from her face being all red and her eyes turned white from fear . So she  quickly takes back her weapons before she shoves them back in her satchel.

Akemi- Okay Dad , let's put these back or you'll hurt someone.

Mantis- Okay , I'm a little frightened by her.

Akemi could feel a huge sweat drop strolling down her forehead . So she takes a deep breath and out as she instantly calmed down.

Ping- I even packed your paintings of you two from our best times , in case , you get lonely.  There's you , Pon and I making noodles ; That's me feeling you two noodles ; Akemi , that's you beating up a bully that was hurting Po...

The painting had young Akemi pinning the swine bully on the ground with her one foot on his back and her two arms pulling onto his hand. She had on a devious smile as the swine's eyes looked like they were about to budge out of their sockets and youmg Po was watching with an astonished look and his mouth formed into an O.

Monkey- Heh. She was violent back then.

Akemi- Hey ! ( Smirks proudly ) There is nothing wrong about standing up for your sibling whenever they need help.

Crane- That's right !

Akemi smiles appreciatively up at Crane , who smiles back and looks away.

Ping- And that's me giving Po a piggy back ride !

The painting shows young Ping being squished under the joyous young Po.

Ping- ( Holds up picture ) Isn't that cute ? On second thought , I think I'll hamg this one up.

Po- Hey , uh , they're waiting for us.

Ping- ( Feeling worried ) Of cours e, of course you two have a job to do... Far from home...In a stange city... Filled with strange people and strange noodles... Facing horrible danger WHICH YOU YOU MIGHT NEVER RETURN ! Don't go , you two !

Akemi- ( Shrugs ) Sorry , Dad. Right now , we don't have a choice .

Po- ( Smiles ) Yeah , Dad. We'-re the dragon warriors. It's our job to save kung fu. And if we don't... Who are we ?

Ping- ( Smiles ) You are my children.

Po stares with his mouth open and doesn't answer as Akemi looks away from the both of them with her srms now crossed , making Ping a little worried and even hurt.

Ping- Right ?

Akemi looks back at her goose of a father and smiles reassuringly.

Akemi- Of course we are , Dad. See ya !

Tigress sees Akemi running passed her as she walks up to Po.

Tigress- Pi , it is time

Po- Uh , goodbye.

Po then rushes off as Tigress also gives him a reassuring smile.

Tigress- Don't worry , Mr. Ping. They'll be back before you can say "Noodles"

Tigress runs off as Crane stops for amoment and looks back at Ping.

Crane- Don't worry , I'll keep your daughter safe.

Crane then leaves as Ping sadly watches the heroes leave the village , onto their quest.

Ping- Noodles.

He just hopes nothing bad will happen to his son and daughter. And if something does happen.. He won't be there to save them.

To Be Continued....

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