Meeting Lord Shen

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Meanwhile , in the throne room , Shen , Soothsayer , and a gorilla soldier nervously await for Po's and Akemi's arrival. They see a hulking shadow moving up the stairs ; Hearing him grunt with each thundering step. Shen slightly unsheathes his throwing knife as Soothsayer stares on expectantly. The shadow nears the top of the stairs as Shen's eyes widened with slight fear.

Then Po emerges. He was being carried over the shoulder of a gorilla before he was thrown down onto the floor as the others appeared and Tigress help Po up and Boss Wolf appears with Akemi in his grasp.

Po- Thanks for... Carrying me those last few flights.

Shen and Soothsayer look on , astonished.

Po- I threw up on a little on the third floor. Someone might wanna clean that up. Is there some sort of evil janitor or something .

Shen- Greerings , panda. We meet at--

Po- Hey , how you doin' ?

Shen is caught off guard.

Shen- ( Awkwardly ) Hey.

Boss Wolf then puts Akemi down as she struggles to keep her balance.

Akemi- Whoa ! Oh , man.

Soothsayer approaches Po and pomes him gently in the belly.

Soothsayer- You've grown bigger than I thought.

She examine the confused Po , looking through his ear. Akemi raises a brow. The goat woman opens his mouth and peers inside.

Soothsayer- Healthy

Shen- ( Amused , to Soothsayer ) You really think these are the warriors destined to defeat me ?

Soothsayer walks over to them , her smile filled with hope

Soothsayer- I do not... I know they are.

Shen- Well , look at the panda ! A lifetime to plot revenge and he comes to me on his knees !

Po- Hey ,  wait , I didn't have a lifetime . We only heard about Master Thundering Rhino a few days ago and we've came to avenge him !

Soothsayer looks at him with a worried aspect.

Soothsayer- You have come to avenge nothing else ?

Po stares at her for a brief second before he looks back at Shen.

Po- Yeah and all those pots and pans you stole ! Gonna want those back !

Soothsayer continues to stare at Po like she's expecting to hear something from him.

Soothsayer- Nothing else ?

Po- You probably did some other evil stuff along the way , I don't know. What else did he do ?

Soothsayer becomes shocked at him for some reason .

Soothsayer- You don't know ?

Po- Know what ?

Shen then laughs as if he did something funny.

Po-  What's so funny ?

Shen- ( Smiles ) Precisely the thing... That you clearly do not know ! I bet the vixen is even smarter than you !

Po- ( Frustrated ) Okay , enough with these riddles ! Would you guys spill the beans ?! First , the weapon was tiny--surprise ! It's big ! And the lady over here-- I think is a guy ! 'Cause she's got a long beard ! And ( Points at Boss Wolf ) And Wolfie up there...

Shen looks behind him to see Boss Wolf beside the cannon , with his head turned away , embarrassed.

Po- He tried to flirt with my sister and have her all to himself ! And--

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