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The Furious Five rush into the palace courtyard as Po staggers backwards and releases his sister. Crane sees Akemi amd rushes to her.

Crane- Akemi ! Are you okay ? Are you hurt ?

Akemi rushes over to Crane as they embrace each other.

Akemi- I'm okay , Crane. He didn't hurt me.

Crane sighs in relief , upon hearing that.

Crane- Oh , thank heavens.

Po- Yes ! Taste the defeat !

Crane and Akemi turn their attention towards to the panda.

Po- Let me tell ya something. You mess with a panda , you better bring a whole... Lotta...

Akemi looks up , nervous.

Akemi- Uh , Po ?

Everyone looks up as dozens of wolves emerge from the dufferent areas , armed. The archer wolves above prepared their bows and arrows and aimed them at the intruders. Chuckling evilly , Boss Wolf gets up on his feet and turns around.

Boss Wolf- Guess nobody told you... ( Smirks evilly ) You mess with a wolf... You get the fangs.

Boss Wolf directly punches Po straight in the gut-- he doubles over winded

Akemi- Po !

Boss Wolf- Now I've hit you twice , what're you gonna do now ?

Po glares at his canid nemesis for a long moment... Until...


Akemi- ( Shocked ) What ?!

Moments later , a gorilla pulls out some handcuffs , one by one. Monkey , Viper , and Tigress were cuffed. Then a wolf grabs Akemi and forces her away from Crane .

Akemi- Ah ! Crane !

Crane- Akemi ! Let go of her !

Before Crane could do anything , another wolf cuffs his torso. Crane glares angrily at that wolf.

Crane- You can chain my body , but you can never chain my warrior spirit ! And I swear , if you hurt Akemi I'll-

He gets cut off as the wolf cuffs his throat , muffling his voice.

Crane- ( Muffled ) Make you pay !

Boss Wolf spots a wolf holding Akemi and points at him.

Boss Wolf- You! Bring her to me !

The wolf holds onto the struggling fox as another wolf comes over to her with handcuffs but she manages to slap them away , onto the ground before she kicks that wolf straight in the face and escapes the other wolf's grasp sucker punches him straight in the nose as she jumps down and tries to make a run for it until a different wolf grabs her tails and grabs her upper arm as he hoists her up.

Akemi- Yah !

She then kicks that wolf in the face as she falls down but was instantly grabbed by Boss Wolf himself as the gorilla finally cuffs her.

Boss Wolf- ( Smirks ) Gotcha now , Foxy. And this time , you can't escape me.

Wolf soldier- Feisty little vixen~

Wolf soldier 2- She's quite a fighter~

Most of the wolves snickered , which made Akemi feel uneasy but continues to struggle to no avail.

Po- Hey , don't forget the little guy.

Mantis- Did you just call me--?

Po grabs Mantis and stuffs him in a small cage and holds it.

Tigress- Po , what are you doing ?

Po- Don't worry , I've got th--

He's cut off as a pair of cuffs slap onto him and yelps out in pain before he studies them.

Po- No way.. 80 point acupressure cuffs ? Just like the ones that held Tai Lung ! The mire you move , the tighter they get !

A soldier hooks a pole onto his cuffs as they forcefully pull him , yanks him off the ground.

Po- These are the best cuffs !

He continues to be pulled as everyone follows.

To Be Continued...

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