Inner Peace

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At the Jade Palace , the Five and Akemi were counting in unison.

All- 33 !

Bang !

Mantis- Stop him !

All- 35 !

Bang !

Tigress- Stay focused !

Crane- Akemi , do something !

Akemi- I can't ! I just can't ! It's impossible !

All- 36 !

Bang !

Mantis- ( shocked ) How's he doing that with his face ?

Po places a bean bun in his mouth , which was filled with 37 of them . He slams his fist on the table.

Po- ( mouthful ) 38 bean buns !

Everybody cheered.

Akemi- Wow. This could've been a world record !

Akemi then turns to Monkey with a sly smirk.

Akemi- Pay up , Monkey.

Monkey sighs in defeat as he gives her his 3 ryo .

Akemi- How about another bet ? If he couldn't  fit two more bean buns , which would make it 40 , I'll bake ya almond cookies , how about that , Monkey ?

Monkey- Okay. Okay.

Monkey gives Po a bowl of bean buns.

Crane- He'll never hit 40 !

Akemi- Yes he will , bird boy. Just watch.

Crane blushes. Po takes two more bean buns.

Po- ( mouthful ) You're on ! I'll put it up to 40 .

Tigress- ( smugly ) Do it.

Po- ( mouthful ) No problem !

He then puts the two other bean buns in his mouth as he began chewing away whilst cheering. Po struggles closing his mouth as Akemi and the Five stare silently in shock . Crane whispers to Akemi.

Crane- No way.

Akemi smirks.

Akemi - Yes way.

Po- ( mouthful ) In a minute...

He sticks his paw up in the air and everyone began to cheer.

Akemi- ( smiles ) I told you he can do it !

Crane blushes and walks up to Po and gave him a good slap on the back.

Crane- Well done , Po !

But his slap for congratulations caused Po to spit out all the bean buns. Akemi jumps back as the bean buns hit Mantis and Monkey while Viper ducks and Tigress blocks two with her single hand.

Akemi- ( smiles ) Man , I knew you could do it.

Tigress- ( smiling ) Your training is paid off.

Then all of the sudden , Akemi's ears perked up as she heard a gong ring in the distance. Akemi faces Po.

Akemi- Po , time to go.

Po- Right ! Gotta go !

Akemi- See ya later !

Akemi and Po run of as Tigress smiles at her two friends. Then Po points at the bowl of bean buns.

Po- You'll save those for me , right ?

Akemi- Po , let's go !

Po- Okay , okay !

Akemi does flips and cartwheels onto the waterfall's rocks as Po slips.

Akemi- You okay , Po ?

Po gets back up.

Po- Yeah. I'm okay.

Then they spot Master Shifu .

Akemi- Master Shifu !

Po- Master Shifu . What do we got ? Pirates ? Vandals or Volcano Mountain ?

Akemi- Yeah. Whatever it is we'll take them down.

Po- Yeah , because we're in the mood. We need to get something done. You know what I mean ?

Akemi- Sooo , what are you doing ?

Shifu- One of Master Oogway's final teachings.

He looks up at the stalactite . The stalactite drops a droplet . When the droplet. When the droplet touches down , Shifu catches the droplet and begins to do moves . Then Shifu guides the droplet on to a small plant. Po seemed surprised and excited while Akemi is impressed.

Akemi- Wow.

Po-  Whoa , awesome ! How did you do that ?!

Shifu- ( smiles ) Inner peace .

Po- Inner peace. That's cool. Peace of what ?

Akemi chuckles.

Shifu- It's the next phase of both your training. Every master ....

Then he appears behind them , walking. Po became confused.

Shifu- To inner peace. Some choose to meditate for 50 years in a cave just like this.

Shifu jumps to the water in front of the dragon sculpture , then balances on his staff.

Shifu- Without the slightest taste of food or water.

Then Po's stomach began to growl as Akemi looks at it for a second , then back at Shifu.

Akemi- Or ?

Shifu-  Po , Akemi.... The fay you two were chosen ho be the dragon warriors  .... ( depressed ) Was the worst day of my life.

Po scowls as Akemi glares at him and puts her hands on her hips.

Akemi- Well.... Excuse me , Master !

Shifu- By far , nothing else cane close. It  was the worst , most painful , mind-destroying , horrible moment I have ever experienced.

Shifu shudders in fear then smiles brightly and looks down at the vixen and panda.

Shifu-  But once I realized the problem was not you two , but within me , I found inner peace , and was able to harness the flow of the universe.

Akemi puts her hands back down off her hips and lightens up.

Shifu- So... How was training with Kitsune ?

Akemi- Awesome ! She taught me like amazing and crazy things ! It's good to have another fox around !

Shifu smiles and chuckles. Then Tigress jumps up in one of the rocks and warns Po and Akemi.

Tigress- Po ! Akemi ! Bandits... Approaching to the musicians village !

She points down at the location.

Akemi- Musicians , huh ?

Po- Danger. Well tell those musicians to play some action music because it.Is.On !

He then turns to Shifu.

Po- Don't worry , master Shifu . We'll master inner peace when we get back.

Tigress & Akemi- No snack stops this time .

Po- ( laughs ) snack stops. Wait , are you two serious ?

Tigress and Akemi jump as Po hangs onto Crane's legs.. Shifu smiles.

To Be Continued...

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