Escape The Tower

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Po turns around and hers his sister and friend calling out to him ; He runs forward but he yells as he begins to fall through the whole.

Tigress- Watch out !

Viper & Akemi- Po !

Viper grabs Po's leg just as he falls through the floor. Upside down , Po finds himself staring at the ground down below.  Mantis grabs onto Viper and tries to help by her pulling her back up.

Viper- ( Straining ) Help me up !

Tigress- No !

Akemi looks at her with shock.

Akemi- Tigress ?

Tigress- Get him down ! Use the ropes !

Viper quickly releases Po , who screams while he rapidly descends the tower interior by sliding down the lantern ropes down the middle. As the others descend aling with him , Akemi and Tigress leap down from floor to floor , while Tigress carries the injured crane.

Po then loses his grip and screams as he falls down the rest of the way. Monkey looks above him and sees Po falling down above him. Monkey pets out a natural primate screech before he gets squished under Po's rear as they reached the floor. Po rolls away as Akemi and the warriors join the two at the bottom. Tigress sets Crane down and rushes over to Po , grabbing his arm.

Tigress- Po , come on ! We need you to focus !

Po- I got it , I got it !

They run toward the exit. Akemi hears the cannons firing as she pants but she stops as she sees debris falling and blocks their only exit out.

Akemi- Oh no !

Po- We're trapped !

Tigress- This way !

Everyone began making their way back up the stairs. When they made it to the higher level of the interior , Tigress smashes a hole through the wall but they become immediately attacked by Wolf Archers as they shot dozens of arrows at them.

Tigress- Get back !

Everyone backs away inside the building as Tigress deflects numerous arrows as she leaps along the outer wall. She spots the city in the distance
That... And the swaying tower gives her an idea. Catching an arrow that was aiming at her head , Tigress runs back towards the hole in the wall.

Tigress- The only way out is up !

She grabs Po and pulls him outside. The rest look on as if they think it's a suicidal attempt to leave.

Everyone- WHAT ?!

Akemi- Are you crazy ?!

The tower begins to topple as Po and Tigress swing each other up the exterior as Akemi and the others climb alongside them . They continue to scale up the tower until the angle allows them to run up as well as climb.

Tigress- To the top !

Viper- Come on , keep going !

Akemi- Hurry !

Everyone continues to run amd climb as the falling tower heads toward the ground. A cannon ball barely misses Monkey as it singes Crane's hat that he's carrying.  They reach to the top.

Po- Here we go !

They leap off the very edge.


Then the tower finally crashes onto the ground before the heroes clear the outer wall , evading the flaming arrows and fall toward the city streets. They land on the rooftops amd disappear from sight.

To Be Continued....

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