Words Can Hurt

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Meanwhile , the Furious Five stealthily approach the factory. They leap over the outer wall , past two wolf sentries , amd hide behind a pile gunpowder kegs close to the entrance. Tigress spies several cannons theough the partly open doors before they close.

Tigress- If those weapons leave the building , China will fall.

Viper- ( Smirks in determination ) We'll bring down the building !

Mantis- Hey , guys ! What about this ?

Standing on top of a gunpowder keg , Mangis rubs his prayers over a tiny pile of gunpowder . Then Whoomph ! A small flame goes up in his face , turning it black with soot and his antennae singing. His face looked stunned.

Mantis- This will work .

Tigress- Alright , let's go !

Mantis- I can't feel my face...

The Five pick up powder kegs and set to work.

Pro Tem , Po and Akemi pole vault onto the walkway into the two wolf sentries , knocking them both out. Po then picks them up and sneaks along the walkway using the bodies as cover. Akemi hears someone coming and gasps. They see Boss Wolf passing them , unaware they are using his unconscious soldiers' bodies.

Boss Wolf- Did you hear him call it the year of the peacock...

Po takes a sentry's arm and waves it.

Po- Hey.

Boss Wolf- Hey.

They move on , eventually stopping in front of the wall. Then they hear a deep Brutish voice.  Akemi looks to see a gorilla soldier coming.

Gorilla- Hey ! On your feet ! ( Grabs the wolves ) And wipe those stupid grins of your faces !

The siblings craw through a window above them as Akemi sighs in relief.

Akemi- Man , that was close !

Po- Yeah , no kidding .

Then they find themselves on a walway hogh over a metal vat and the conveyor belts transporting metal into it as they sneak across the walkway . Akemi stares down at it , a little nervous by the thoughts of the cannons that'll endanger the civilians of Gongmen.

Akemi- ( Quietly ) Oh. That's why they stole all those pots and pans. They're making more cannons !

Then they stop and spot a peacock shaped silhouette . Akemi and Po knew it was Shen.

Shen- Move , you dogs ! Faster , faster ! Load them all !

Po and Akemi climbed up a ladder and rolled and quietly ran across the walkway until....

Shen- Greetings , Panda and Vixen !

The duo simultaneously turned around as they see Shen emerge from the smoke behind them with his whole tail up and fanned out. Akemi gasps before she noticed Po trying to shield his eye away from his tail feathers.

Akemi- Po , Are you okay ?

Po- I'm fine !

Akemi- ( To Shen ) How did you know we were sneaking in here ?!

Shen- I was exactly expecting you two to be here . Luckily , I was prepared though.

Po- ( Angrily ) Tell me what happened that night !

Shen- ( Mockingly ) What night !

Po- That night !

Shen- ( Realizes and smiles evilly ) Ah , that night.

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