Chapter 24

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Today to most people was just a normal, cold, rainy, Monday in Britain. But to Oliver Sykes and Josh Sykes, today was one of the most important days of their lives. The two men had woken up at 6am this morning to a text from their surrogate mother Lizzy, saying she had gone into labour and her contractions were already pretty close together.

They both rushed out of bed, not even bothering to put on normal clothes, simply rushing around the house in their pyjamas, trying to get everything together to go to the hospital. Josh rushed into their daughter Amanda's room and scooped the small human out of her beds and into his arms. Josh looked down at the sleeping girl and smiled. She had dark brown curly hair and a pointy noise like Oliver but she had Josh's chubby cheeks and blue eyes. She was literally a perfect mix of the two of them. Josh hoped their new child would be exactly the same.

He ran down the stairs, out of the house and to the car. He buckled Amanda into her booster seat in the back of the car, strapping her in using the seatbelt as she looked back at him with tired, blue eyes. He climbed into the front seat, Oliver hardly waiting for his husband to shut the car door before he was speeding off down the road in the direction of the hospital.

"Daddy what is happening?" Amanda asked in a confused, grumpy voice from the backseat of the car.

"We are going to the hospital to collect your new sibling, Mandy." Josh said, turning around and smiling at his daughter. Oliver kept his eyes on the road, driving way past the speed limit at this point.

After about a 30 minute car journey, the family finally arrived at the hospital. Oliver grabbed Amanda quickly from the backseat and hastily carried her into the maternity ward, Josh in tow. Josh quickly asked the receptionist which room Lizzy was in before they were off again down the corridor.

Standing outside the hospital room door, the two males shared a glance before Josh slowly opened the door, smiling as the noise of a baby crying filled the room. He looked over to see a red looking Lizzy holding a small bundle of blankets.

"Here's your daddies." Lizzy cooed down at the still crying baby, bouncing it up and down on her lap before holding it out for Oliver to take. The brown eyed boy smiled awkwardly before he put Amanda on the floor, reaching out and taking his new child into his arms.

It instantly stopped crying as it opened up its wide hazel eyes to look up at Oliver. Oli smiled widely, holding out one of his fingers for the baby to play with.

Josh wrapped his arms around his husbands waist, peering over his shoulder at the tiny little baby that was now giggling up at Oliver. It had brown eyes, unlike Mandy, which was probably a good thing as now they had a child with both.

"I think someone wants to hold their new baby sister." One of the midwives commented, making both the males turn around to look at their eldest who was smiling up at them.

Oliver carefully placed the baby in Amanda's tiny arms, keeping his underneath hers in case she accidentally dropped the precious bundle of joy. Josh smiled at the sight of his 3 favourite people in the world, taking out his phone and snapping a picture of them all together.

He couldn't help but notice the cute, light brown curls which were already on his youngest daughters head.

"Have you got a name yet?" Lizzy asked, smiling at the family infort of her.

"I don't know, honestly we were expecting a boy." Josh laughed awkwardly, staring down at the baby in his daughters hands that was quite defiantly a girl.

"What do you think, Mandy?" Oliver asked.

"Sophie!" Amanda squeaked, causing the baby in her arms to start giggling.

"I think she likes that one." The midwife chummed in, causing Josh and Oliver to share a look of agreement.

"Sophie it is then." Oliver smiled, taking the baby back over to the hospital bed, where he changed her into a tiny yellow onesie that him and Josh bought a couple of weeks ago.


When they arrived back home, Oliver placed the tiny newborn into her crib. He looked down at her in admiration. Her long eyelashes swept her chubby pink cheeks as she slept peacefully, moving about as she dreamt and squirming in her onesie.

Josh came up behind his husband, wrapping his arms around the other mans waist and pulling him back against his chest. He littered cute kisses behind his husbands ear and along his neck.

"I love her already." Oliver sighed.

"So do I, I love our family more than anything in the world." Josh whispered calmly.

"Do you want anymore?" Oli asked, turning around to face Josh.

"Darling, I'm okay with having as many as you wish." Josh said, kissing Oliver on the lips quickly, causing both of them to blush like school girls.

"Papa do I have to go to school today?" Amanda asked suddenly stood right next to the couple, pulling down on Oliver's shirt to get his attention.

"No baby, you can stay at home today." Oliver smiled, causing the 5 year old to cheer and run out of the nursery and to the playroom.

"Why does she always ask you to stay off school and not me?" Josh frowned.

"Because I'm the cool dad and you're the lame one." Oliver laughed, earning a light punch to the arm from Josh. In Josh's opinion, he was a pretty cool dad.

"You let her walk all over you, Sykes." Josh shook his head.

"How can I say no to her when she has your pretty eyes and those chubby cheeks." Oliver smirked, pinching his husbands cheeks in between his tattooed fingers. Josh rolled his eyes but couldn't repress the wide smile that spread across his face.

He really did love his little family.

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