Chapter 2

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Josh's POV

"All I'm saying is that you need to make sure you don't fall for any of his shit. He's obviously trying to get you in his bed and you need to make sure he doesn't succeed." Matt ranted as he stuffed his face with greasy school pizza. They were sat on a small table at the far side of the school dinner hall.

"I'm not going to let him Matt, have a little faith in me." I rolled my eyes back.

"But Josh we both know about your little crush."

"That doesn't-"

"Yes it does Josh. That bastard is sneaky as hell, if he wants you, he's going to try anything he can to get you. And once you let him in your pants he'll play with you till he's bored and then he'll break your heart." Matt cut me off to rant again.

I rolled my eyes back at him. He made it seem so much worse then it was. I knew what I was doing. Besides, I doubt Oli Sykes has any interest in me, I wasn't exactly his usual type. Most people he slept with were popular girls that walked around school with their tits hanging out and their dodgy Poundland foundation running down their faces.

The bell rang sharply through the room. I got up quickly, putting my backpack on as I walked swiftly to my locker. I stood on my tip toes as I put in the combination and opened the thin metal door of my locker. Damn you school for giving me a locker on the top row.

As I was pulling out my maths revision book, I felt the presence of someone standing close behind me. I shut my locker hastily, coming down to my normal height before turning around to look who was there.

"Hello sweetheart." Rang a familiar Yorkshire accent. I looked up slightly to see a pair of round brown eyes looking back at me.

"Hey Oliver." I replied politely before attempting to slide past the tall boy in front of me. I almost succeeded to, until a pair of hands landed either side of my body, keeping me against the row of lockers. By this point the bell had well past gone, leaving us alone in the hallway as everyone else was already in period 4.

"Darling, don't call me Oliver, we've known each other for long enough for you to just call me Oli." He smirked. "Maybe if you're free later you could come back to my house and practise calling me it. Or maybe moaning it."

I blushed and looked at the floor, still silent. Matt told me not to give into him, so that's exactly what I was doing. Maybe if I just ignore him he will go away? After a few minutes of me being silent and him eye fucking my body, I finally spoke.

"I have to get to lesson Oli." I said quietly, one again trying to get past him.

"Come back to mine and I'll give you the best lesson in sex education you've ever had." He smirked again. I really wanted to punch that stupid smile off of his face right now.

"Hmmmm I'm going to have to say no."

"Fine princess, it's your lose anyways." He huffed. "But just so you know, playing hard to get won't work with me. I like the feisty ones the best."

With that, he winked before giving my hips a firm squeezed and walking off, leaving me to wonder what just happened.

when the party's over ~fransykes~ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum