Chapter 9

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Josh's POV:

Sunlight streamed through the window, invading the darkness of my closed eyelids and instantly waking me up. I reached up to stretch, instantly regretting this when my arm brushed against something besides me. I cracked my eyes open, looking back down at my bed to see Oliver sleeping peacefully in my bed.

His hair was flopped over his face in messy curls, one of his arms was wrapped around my waist and he looked really cute. Seriously how did this boy manage to look so gorgeous, even in his sleep?

"Oli." I whispered, shaking his bare shoulder gently. He grunted sleepily before he rolled over to face the wall.

"Leave me alone to sleeep." He wined sleepily, rolling back over with another grunt.

"Oli we have to get up now, it's almost 12." I whined back. Oliver sat up slowly, crossing his arms over his chest like a toddler having a tantrum.

"Fine." He grumbled, rolling his eyes for good measure. I smiled at his grumpy face before I got off the bed to get dressed, squeaking suddenly from the cold air that hit my naked body. Forgot about that.

"Giving me a show are we love?" Oli laughed at his own lame comment, eying me up as I walked to my wardrobe. I pulled out the first pair of boxers I could find, slipping them on uncomfortably with Oliver's eyes burning into my backside the entire time. We stayed silent as I got fully dressed, Oliver scrolling through something on his phone and me struggling to get my skinny jeans on.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get some cereal, come down when you're ready." He didn't even look up from his phone when I left the room, causing me to sigh. Why do I even bother with him?

When I entered the kitchen my parents were sat at the table. My mum was eating scrambled eggs and my dad was reading the newspaper, his glasses almost sliding off his nose as he focused on the small printed text.

"Morning." I mumbled to them as I entered, not hesitating to head staring to the cupboard containing all the cereal.

"Is that boy still in your room Joshua?" My mother asked, giving my dad the look. Well this is going to end badly. I nodded at her question.

"He seems like trouble to me. I could see it in his eyes yesterday, whenever he looks at you he gets this giddy smirk like he's up to no good and I don't want him dragging my son into any kind of silly business." My father lectured.

"Dad please, I'm only helping him with his school work. Besides, he's honestly not that bad." I muttered the last part, trying to stop my cheeks from flushing red at my own words.

Speak of the devil, at that exact moment Oli came flaunting into the kitchen in nothing but a pair of my joggers. His shoulders were slumped forward and he ignored the look of horror on my parents faces as he walked past topless.

His tattooed chest was completely on show as he walked over to me, showing off all the colourful ink he had got illegally put on his body.

"Joshua I suggest you and Oliver sort yourselves out before we get back from church, I think we've seen quite enough of this kind of behaviour!" My father said sternly. Him and my mum walked out of the kitchen hurriedly, shutting the kitchen door behind them. Oliver and I stood next to each other in complete silence until we heard the front door close with a thud.

"They hate you." I deadpanned. He simply shrugged like the laid back I-don't-give-a-shit kind of person that he was.

"I didn't realise your parents were crazy bible benders. Do they know that you're gay or whatever you are?"

I sighed deeply. "Of course they fucking don't. I don't know how to tell them Oli, they want me to get married to this girl from church and save my innocence till after we tie the knot. If they knew the truth they'd kill me."

What he did next was unexpected. Oliver walked over to me and wrapped his long arms around my body, holding me against his warm chest securely. He rubbed my back comfortingly before kissing my cheek softly.

"What if I can never come out to them?" I chocked into his shoulder.

"They can't stop you from liking boys, darling. They'll either accept it or they won't. Either way I'm here for you and so is your friend Matt. If they try anything you can come crash with me and I'm sure my mum would be fine with it."

This confused me. Oliver Sykes was being actually nice to me? The only other time he had ever been sweet was when he was trying to get in my pants but now he was showing me a side of him that no one knew about. The emotional, caring side of him.

"We should probably leave before they get back." I mumbled into his shoulder after a few moments of silence. He nodded against my head, letting go of me so that I could lead his back up to my room.

As soon as we got back into my room Oliver's personality returned to its normal cocky manner.

"What do you want to do today then babe?" He asked me, smirking over his shoulder at me whilst he got dressed.

"I don't know Ols, you choose."

"You know if it was up to me we would just fuck like rabbits behind the bins at Tesco." He replied.

"Of course we would." I smiled, rolling my eyes at the mischievous boy I had somehow ended up with. I'm not really sure what me and Oli really were, but I didn't care. In that money of time we were something and that was all that mattered to me.

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