Chapter 3

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Oliver's POV:

We were sat in chemistry once again. Today Josh was on his own when I entered the classroom so I decided to sit right next to him. He didn't really acknowledge me which made me kind of mad because ummm hello one of the most popular boys in the school just sat down next to you.

"Hey Joshy. You alright?" I asked sweetly whilst leaning over his side of the table a bit.

"Yeah I'm fine." He blushed before looking down at the pen in his hand.

"That's good. So I was thinking-"


"You didn't even listen to my question love." I scoffed.

"I don't need to hear the question to know that I'm not interested." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I was going to invite you and your friends to my house party on Friday but whatever..." I trailed of whilst looking at him hopefully. I didn't really want his lame friends at my party but I knew Josh wasn't likely to show up on his own. Maybe drunk Josh would be more willing to get to know me then normal Josh was.

"I don't really do parties, sorry." He said again whilst looking at me with a shrug.

"I'm not going to leave you alone until you say yes to me at least once. You might as well come to my party and get it over with." I Smiled sweetly at him again before running my fingers down his arm seductively.

"Fine, I'll go to your party, don't tell Matt I'm going though." He sighed in defeat. He didn't move his arm away from my hand though, he just let me touch him. I reached past his wrist and grabbed onto his fingers, playing lightly with his finger tips. I took my hand away from his, taking his pen and writing down my phone number on the inside of his wrist. Let's hope he actually sticks to his words and comes tomorrow.


Josh's POV:

I wasn't going to tell Matt about the party. He would slaughter me if he knew what I had just agreed to. When I got home I went straight up to my bedroom and took out my phone. I decided to go ahead and text the number that Oli gave me, he would probably annoy me tomorrow if I don't.

Josh: hey Oli, I'm guessing this is your number because you wrote it on my wrist in Chemistry.

Oli: hey baby ;) glad you decided to text me

Oli: my address is 432 chapel street, by there at 7:30 tomorrow. I'll wait by the
door for you ;))

Josh: Alright I'll see you there :)

I could already tell his was going to be a bad idea. I really shouldn't be doing this, I don't even like parties or people or drinking. But I kinda liked Oli, even if he was a fuck boy, and part of me wanted him to like me back even if that would never happen.

Oli: don't wear too many layers, you're just going to take them off anyway ;)

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