Chapter 8

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Josh's POV:

We were currently in the Vans store. Oliver was currently paying for a hoodie for me, which would have been really sweet if it wasn't for the fact that he was flirting with the employee at the check out desk. He was literally trying to get this random guys phone number whilst paying for something for me and touching my ass through the fabric of my jeans. One of his hands was placed by the guy he was flirting with and the other was in my back pocket casually.

I hope no one from school sees us together, I can't deal with people spreading rumours about the most popular guy in school touching me up.

Fucking hell, why did I even agree to come shopping with him in the first place? I mean at least I get a new Vans hoodie out of it.

"Oliver are you done yet?" I sighed, trying to sound only slightly agitated. He turned away from the boy he was flirting with to look at me.

"Yeah of course." He smiled, leaning across the check out desk to whisper "text me later cutie." to the cashier before winking at him. Annoyed, I grabbed Oliver's hand from my back pocket and took it out, holding it in my own instead.

"Don't be jealous love, he was wayyy less attractive than you." Oli smirked. I actually want to punch that stupid smile off of his face right now.

"If that was true then why would you bother getting his number?" I questioned sceptically.

"It was just a bit of fun sweetheart, as if I'll ever text him back anyway." The curly haired boy rolled his eyes down at me. I looked away from his playful gaze, I didn't want him to know how annoyed the situation had actually made me.

"This is why people like me should never hang out with people like you." I stated.

"Don't be so bitter Joshy, you know you love hanging around with me really." He sang, swinging our hands up and down gently in the pace between us.

"Is that's what you want to tell yourself Sykes." I shrugged.

We walked around town for awhile, mostly just looking at the clothes in windows and Oli commenting on literally everything we past. It was pretty dark at this point, due to all the clouds in the sky reminding us that it was inevitably going to rain.

"Hey why don't we go back to yours?" Oli questioned.

"My parents are pretty...strict. I'm not sure they would like you very much." I muttered the last part timidly, hoping that comment wouldn't trigger one of his petty teenage strops .

"Well when am I going to meet your parents?" He sulked.

"Ummm never? It's not like we're dating or anything."

"Then what are we Josh? Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits?" He snapped. Someone clearly woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"Fine we can go to my house...but you'll have to pretend that we're studying and no touching me when my parents are in the same room." I sighed.

Lying to my parents was going to be hard but if they found out me and Oliver were seeing each other then they would probably ban me from going near boys for the rest of my life. I still hadn't come out to them yet and I was honestly too scared to incase they kicked me out. My dad was the priest of the local church so I wasn't sure what his views on gay people were but the odds of him accepting me were honestly slim. My mum was sweet overprotective, sometimes it felt like she was smothering me a little too much.

I guess that's why I kept coming back to Oli, he was the only person in my life who made me feel like I was doing something exciting, something rebellious. My parents liked Matt because his family went to church and he got straight A's. God knows what they would think of Oliver.


As soon as we entered my house I was met by the sight of my parents watching 'Homes Under The Hammer' on TV in the living room, I swear all middle aged people had some kind of obsession with that show. When they heard the door slam shut they instantly looked up from the TV screen.

My mum looked like a deer in headlights when she spotted Oliver stood next to me. Obviously me coming home on a Saturday night with another boy (who wasn't Matt) was the last thing she expected. I had honestly never had any one other then Matt Barnes around to my house, not that I have more friends then just Matt anyway. I wouldn't exactly call what me and Oli had a friendship...

"Joshua who is this?" My mum asked, eying Oliver up and down slowly. This grabbed my fathers attention as he looked over at us in mild disgust.

"I'm Oliver, Josh is helping me revise for my maths exam." Oli lied slyly, his signature devilish smirk spreading across his face.

My parents both looked at each other, clearly both thinking the exact same thing. I already knew what was coming, as soon as Oli left I would get a extremely long speech about how people like him were a bad influence and how I need to spend my time studying, not making friends with people who will drag me down. Honestly, I loved my parents but they could be such a drag sometimes, especially in situations like this.

"Oliver and I will be up in my room." I muttered quickly, signalling with my eyes for Oli to start walking upstairs. We both quickly ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. It was honestly really plain, only a double bed, desk and wardrobe.

"Your dad looked like he was going to murder me." Oli laughed as soon as I closed my bedroom door.

"I told you they were strict." I shrugged, dropping down onto my bed with a sigh. Oliver walked over to my bed and dropped down besides me.

"If only they knew how naughty their innocent little Joshua can be, especially when he's alone with me." Oli smirked, rolling over so that he was sat on top of me.

"Oli we can't do anything like that here, if they hear we'll both get murdered." I whispered, pushing him off of me gently. He made a weird whining noise in the back of his throat before he got off my bed and started to look around my room.

"So where do you keep your porn stash?" He smirked whilst looking through my draws.

"I don't own any porn. Unlike you, Sykes, I'm not horny 24/7."

"Oh Joshy, we both know that isn't true." He smiled innocently before he came back over to me and sat on my lap once again. This time I didn't push him off. When he started to kiss me I didn't resist, I kissed back gently at first and then not so much.

"One round? I'll keep quiet I swear." He whispered in my ear when we both pulled back from our mini-make out session.

"Fucking fine. But if my parents murder us, I'll kill you."

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