Chapter 5

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Josh's POV;

I woke up to a splitting headache. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in the soft pillow below me with a groan.

Wait. This pillow doesn't smell like me, it smells like linx aftershave and cigarettes. I heard someone laugh beside me before I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind.

"Morning Joshy." The person whispered in my ear. Holy fuck, I knew that voice. My eyes snapped open as I looked around at my surroundings, until they landed on the boy lying next to me. This defiantly wasn't my bedroom.

"Oli? Wha- How-"

"You're in my room Josh. Do you not remember last night?" He smirked, sitting  up and putting his arms around my neck.

"No..." I hesitated. "What happened last night?"

He only laughed before pulling the covers off of both of us, making me shriek as my naked body became exposed to the cold air. I glanced at Oli like he was insane, until I realised he was naked as well. Covering up my dick with one hand, I grabbed the covers out of Oli's hands and covered us both back up again.

"Don't bother trying to cover up Joshy, it's nothing I haven't seen before." He laughed, making my eyes go wide. My checks were so hot, I was pretty sure they could have burnt off at any second. "Don't get flustered baby, we had fun last night. Shame you don't remember, you were my favourite yet."

"W-What do you mean by fun?" I stuttered, completely embarrassed by the situation. I mean it's not everyday you wake up naked in the bed of the schools biggest fuckboy.

"Hmmm well my favourite part of last night was the bit where you let me fuck you senseless whilst probably the entire country listened to you moan." He enthused gleefully. "Don't worry though, you weren't just a one night thing, we defiantly have to do this more often!"

I starred at him in astonishment. He wants me to be his next thing?

"I-I need to get back home." I stuttered again, cursing my voice for going weak around him. He was clearly getting quite entertained by how flustered I was. I looked around the room, unable to see my clothes from yesterday anywhere. God this was going to be so embarrassing to ask. "Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

He grinned like a Cheshire Cat before going over to his wardrobe, picking out a few pieces of clothing and throwing them straight at my face. I quickly slipped his clothes on before finding my shoes on his floor and putting them on.

"Wait a minute princess, I didn't say you could leave just yet." Oli said from behind me, making me turn around and roll my eyes at him. He just stood there smirking down at me. I honestly can't believe drunk me decided to sleep with him.

"What do you want with me?" I groaned, mad he wouldn't just let me leave and suppress the fact this even happened.

"I want you to be my boyfriend." He deadpanned, making my eyes go wide. He wasn't serious was he? "I can't let a good fuck like you go that easily, so I want you to be mine."

"No, you'll have to try harder than that Sykes."

"Please Josh." He wined dramatically like a toddler throwing a hissy fit. Spoilt brat.

"Maybe if you actually tried Oliver I would reconsider my answer, but you don't. Stopping me in the hallway to try and get me to suck your dick was the most romantic thing you've ever done." I rolled my eyes again.

"I can change Josh, I promise, I'll make an effort." He pouted as he showed off his big puppy-dog eyes.

"Yeah right." I muttered as I shoved past him, heading downstairs and straight out of the front door. I could hear Oli shouting my name as I walked down the street, yet I didn't look back once.

when the party's over ~fransykes~ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora