Chapter 10

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Josh's POV:

It's odd how things you find unattractive only seem attractive when someone you like is doing them. For instance, Oli's smoking habit would have driven me crazy if it wasn't him who was doing it. He's the only person in this world who can make blowing cancer into your lungs look hot. I've come to like the smokiness that slightly lingers within the smell of his clothes.

He gave me one of his hoodies last week after school when I said I was cold, I've worn it everyday since. It smells like smoke and lynx deodorant but I wouldn't want it to smell any other way. Matt doesn't like me wearing Oliver's clothes, or hanging out with Oli in general, but he thinks the whole hoodie thing makes us seem like a couple. I guess it does, not that I'm complaining.

"What are you thinking about Josh?" Matt asked me, pulling me from my thoughts. Oh yeah I forgot we were in the middle of a conversation.

"Nothing." I replied sheepishly. My best friend raised his eyebrows at me in suspicion. I swear one day Matt will raise his eyebrows so high they will come off his head.

"Thinking about your Prince Charming again?" He rolled his eyes knowingly.

"'s just that he hasn't talked to me in a few days so I'm a little paranoid that he's not interested in me anymore." I rushed out causing Matt to roll his eyes at me again.

"Why are you still wearing his hoodie then?" He questioned bitterly. I looked down to see that I was in fact wearing Oliver's grey hoodie. I played with the long sleeves awkwardly between my fingers. The height difference between me and Oli meant that it was a little bit on me but he said it made me look cute so who was I to argue.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "It smells nice."

"If I was you I'd burn it." He muttered. "You don't know how many of his fuckboy germs are on that thing."

"Whatever." This time it was my turn to roll my eyes.


It was 2am and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to try and text the one person I knew would be up at a time like this. Not Matt, of course, as lame as it sound he's probably never stayed up past midnight. I needed someone to talk to that would reply now. So I grabbed my phone and opened it onto instagram, heading straight for my DMs.

Josh: Are you awake?

Oli: Yeah babe, shouldn't you be asleep?

Josh: Shouldn't you?

Oli: A boy as gorgeous as you needs his beauty sleep ;)

Josh: Have you been ignoring me or something? Feel like I haven't seen you in days

Oli: I'll come round to see you now if you want ;)

Josh: As much as I'd love that, my parents are in.

Oli: Sneak out the back

Josh: I can't :(

Oli: Josh

Oli: Joshyy

Oli: I'm coming over, have your shoes on ready to come out.

Josh: Are you serious?

Oli: You'll have to wait till I get there to find out ;)

Less then 10 minutes later I heard a thud against my bedroom window. Then another. Then another. I pulled back the curtains to see him standing there, illuminated under the streetlights, smiling up at the window with a handful of rocks. I saw him reach into the air when he spotted me, signalling me to come down to the street.

I rushed downstairs to pull my vans on, pulling open the back door as quietly as possible before slipping through the garden and the back gate. Oliver was stood there in all his glory, hood up to keep the cold wind away from his curly hair. His signature smirk was placed on his lips like always.

"Glad you could make it love." He leant against the fence casually with a lit cigarette hanging between his lanky fingers.

"Throwing stones against my window huh? You couldn't have just texted me?" I muttered.

"It's a lot more fun that way." He laughed. I shivered from the cold, wrapping my arms around my waist in hopes of finding warmth. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to come outside in only a tank top and joggers. Oliver obviously noticed my shivering, moving himself off the wall so that he was now hugging me tightly.

To say he was warm in comparison to me would be an understatement, his body felt like lava against my frozen skin. He pulled away from the hug to open up his backpack, pulling out a dark blue hoodie and handing it to me. I instantly slipped it over my head, bathing in the sudden warmth the fluffy fabric provided.

"I've missed you so much princess, I'm sorry we haven't seen each other these past couple of days." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning the side of my face.

"I've missed you too." I muttered back. Within a second we were kissing like a couple that hadn't seen each other in months. His lips were slightly rough from the cold weather but it made the kiss feel nicer somehow. It was crazy how much I had craved his presence in the last couple of days, he was like a drug and I was seriously addicted.

"Wanna come back to mine for some fun." He winked suggestively.

"I can't..." I sighed. He must have realised by now that I couldn't. Recently my parents had been very on edge about my behaviour so sneaking back to his house for the night probably wasn't the best option.

There was a moment of silence where we both looked at the ground awkwardly. Sometimes we just had those moments, where we both had a lot to say but didn't know how to say it. I wanted to ask him where he had been for the past couple of days but I didn't want him to think I was clingy or something,

"Come on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked cautiously, still looking down at the ground. His shaggy hair covered most of his face but I could still scene the pleading look in his brown eyes.

"A proper date? Oliver Sykes is asking me on a proper date?" I laughed slightly. Oli wasn't exactly known for taking boys on cute dates, the closest thing to that we had ever been on is when we went shopping together but that wasn't exactly what I would consider romantic.

"Yeah he is, you should feel special."

"Well I guess I have no choice but to come then. You better make it cute, Sykes." I said in a serious but playful tone. He finally looked up from the floor, his hair falling back across his forehead as he smiled at me.

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