Chapter 11

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Sorry for not updating for so long. I decided to take time away from this book to finish off my other one so that I could put all my attention into one thing instead of splitting it into two. Also, I just came back from a trip to Belgium and France where I was out doing stuff all day so I couldn't write then. Thanks you for staying with this book despite my lack of updating✌️

Josh's POV:

I was currently waiting in the alleyway behind my house for Oli to pick me up for our date. It was currently 4pm and I was freezing my tits off waiting for him to arrive. He could have picked me up directly from my house, if it wasn't for the fact that my parent hated him and would have probably condemned me to hell if they knew I was going on a date with a boy. I told them I was going to the library to revise. They probably saw straight through my lies but assumed I was going to Matt's to hang out or something, not go on a date with a boy they forbid me from seeing.

Before I knew it, Oli was right in front of me waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention. I didn't realise I was that far into my thoughts, whoops. He was wearing a beige hoodie with a black denim jacket over the top and tight skinny jeans with the classic black vans. His hair was mostly hidden by his hood but the front strands fell across his forehead in curly waves.

"Earth to Josh. Helloo." He teased with that big goofy smile on his lips.

"S-sorry I was just thinking about something." I stuttered in embarrassment. Oliver was literally the definition of cool and here I was looking like a right pillack in front of him.

"Try not to get lost in your thoughts too much love, it's not always the best place to be." He said kissing me quickly before grabbing my hand and dragging me out the alleyway. Wow, that was the smartest thing I've ever heard come out of Oliver's mouth. Who knew he had the mental capacity to think that deep

"Where are we going?" I asked once we were a safe distance away from my house, no longer paranoid that my parents might still catch us.

"Well I was thinking we could go to the carnival in town for a bit and then go somewhere more private." He smirked.

"Sounds good." I smiled innocently causing Oli to turn around and wink at me, once again with that shit eating grin on his face.

Once we arrived at the carnival it was almost dark, the sun was setting across the busy town lighting up the already glowing carnival rides. Oliver payed for both of our tickets, insisting that he had to pay for me because he was the one that wanted to take me out.

We went on literally all of the rides, grinning at each other as we got flung around on each one. We even went on the bumper carts, me having to sit on Oliver's lap to fit in the same one as him (not that either of us complained). He bought me food from the stalls along the way, sharing a tray of chips with me and popping candy floss into my mouth. He was acting really sweet, unlike his normal dick self.

"Let's go on the Ferris wheel." He whined, tugging me hand in the direction of the huge thing. As we waited in line, I admired the glowing lights on the side of the wheel that lite up the night sky. The seats were pretty small so we had to squish together to fit in, Oli pulling me in close as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and me resting my head against the top of his arm. It was nice to be sitting this close to someone considering how cold it was outside.

"Are you cold, love?" Oliver asked into my messy hair.

"Not with your arms around me I'm not." I said smoothly causing him to laugh breathlessly. My head moved along with his body as his chest moved up and down.

The view at the peak of the Ferris wheel was amazing. You could see across the entire city from up here. The streetlights blurred together in the abyss of darkness below us, it was gorgeous.

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