Chapter 12

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Oliver's POV;

"Oliver if we're going to keep on hanging out then you need to get along with Matt." Josh sighed, slumping down in his chair next to mine in Chemistry.

Turns out, Matt Barnes had been moved to a higher science set, meaning that the seat next to Josh would be free for me to sit in for the rest of the year. Perfect. I waited until the science teacher went back to writing on the white board to reply.

"But that nerd hates me! Maybe if you want us to get along then you should tell him to be nicer to me." I whisper shouted. Josh rolled his eyes at me.

"He doesn't hate you Oliver! He's just looking out for me." He muttered.

"Looking out for you? Why would he need to protect you from me?" I asked confused. I was getting slightly pissed off now. I don't really know why Matt doesn't want Josh hanging out with me, it wasn't like I was going to murder him or anything! I was just trying to be nice to Josh and his friend thinks he need protecting from me? Who does he think he is?

"Well Oliver last time I checked you didn't exactly have the best reputation for being good in relationships. Matt doesn't want us getting together in case I get attached and then you break my heart." He whisper shouted back.

I could tell Josh was getting increasingly pissed off at me. He had never used my full name so much in a conversation since before the first time we hooked up.

"My love," I sighed. "You don't have to worry about me doing that, you're not like the others, I actually like you for more then just what happens between the sheets."

It was true. Recently I had been thinking of Josh a lot differently then I did when we first started getting together. When I close my eyes all I see are his beautiful eyes and the way his nose crinkles when he smiles. I want to hold him in my arms forever, hear his laugh a million times over and kiss him until I can't breath (not in a sexual way either). I feel like I'm falling for him, and falling for him hard.

I've never really had a crush before. I felt nothing for my last girlfriend, Sadie, only a want to get her into my bed. I didn't like her laugh or her smile or her personality, like I do with Josh.

Oh my god do I have a crush on Josh?

"Yeah right. If I wasn't like the others then you would be willing to make an effort to at least tolerate my friends." Josh spat under his breath. Suddenly, the bell went, causing Josh to stand up and rush out the classroom after picking up his backpack.

I streamed down the corridor, pushing multiple students out of the way to catch up with Josh. By the time I reached him he was already at his locker.

"Fine. I'll try and get along with Matt if it makes you happy." I sighed causing him to turn away from his locker to look at me. I tried to give him my most sincere look, hoping he'll forgive me so that we can be on good terms again.

"Great! Matt and I always revise together after school on Mondays, so if you're not busy then you can join us in the library tonight." He beamed, reaching up to kiss me on the lips before hugging me and running off to his next lesson.

Revision? Library?

Was he kidding me? There was no lamer way to spend my time after school then doing more work for school. I swear to god, if Josh doesn't let me be his boyfriend after this I am actually going to cry.

I guess it's worth it, for Josh. Anyone else and I would have terminated my mission by now. Josh better make this worth my time.


Just like promised I was waiting for Josh in the library so Matt, him and me could all revise together. I was going to pretend to like Matt until Josh wasn't around and then I could go back to hating him. My plan seemed easy enough.

Speak of the devil. I spotted Josh and Matt entering the library. They both greeted the librarian at her desk before walking over to the table I was sat at. I decided to sit at the most hidden table in the far corner of the library so that if anyone from my friend group came in here I wouldn't be easily spotted. The last thing I wanted was for other popular people to think I was some revision freak who actually goes to the library.

Josh slide into the seat next to me whereas Matt sat down opposite him. I removed my headphones when Josh opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm glad you could make it, Oli." He beamed at me. I smiled back reaching over to give him a nice wholesome hug. I would have done something more but Matt was right there and I needed to keep things PG if I was going to win him over.

"Of course, you know how much I love revising." I said, looking over at Matt from the corner of my eye whilst still focusing my attention on the blue eyed boy next to me.

"Oliver have you ever even stepped foot in this library before?" Matt asked with his eyebrows so high I thought they were going to fly off of his face.


"Yeah of course, it's like a second home to me." I lied through my teeth. From besides me I could hear Josh sniggering quietly as he saw straight through my bullshit.

For the next hour we basically sat in silence doing school work. Well, Matt and Josh did school work. I mostly either sat on my phone, drew all over my notes or bugged Josh. Finally, Matt's phone began to ring and he told us he had to go home.

"Seeya tomorrow Josh. Bye Oliver." He said plainly before giving me one last glance and walking straight out the library. Great, now he was gone I didn't have to pretend to be revising anymore.

"I guess we should go too?" I asked hopefully. Honestly, I was becoming pretty bored of watching Josh focus on his school work instead of giving his attention to me.

"No," he shook his head. "You go, I've got to stay here and do this essay before going home otherwise my parents will be up my arse."

"I don't want to leave-"

"Honestly Oli just go home, you've done enough for me today." He cut me off.

"Alright then, see you soon princess." I said, kissing him quickly before getting up and putting my backpack on.

"Bye babe." He replied, focusing back on his school work.

Babe. Maybe this means Josh was getting close to becoming my boyfriend? Holy fuck, I sound like a pathetic 12 year old girl who makes out with their pillow pretending it's their crush every night.

I was half way home when I heard someone calling my name. I blew the cigarette smoke out between my lips before turning around to see who it was. To my annoyance, no other than Matt Barnes was stood behind me.

"You know cigarettes are bad for you, right?" He lectured me.

"Wow, thanks mum. Was that really what you stopped me to say?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. He gave me a dirty look.

"No. What I stopped you to say is that I know what your game is and even though Josh can't see through you, I can." He crossed his arms over his chest as if he was trying to intimidate me. Wow, I'm shaking in my boots.

"Josh doesn't need you to parent him, he's old enough to make decision for himself. Stop trying to control him." I growled.

"Clearly he can't if he chooses to fall for boys like you." Matt spat back.

"I'm trying to change for him, Alright. I'm doing what I can to make him happy and be good to him!" I shouted. Matt looked slightly taken back by what I said but quickly composed himself.

"You want to be good to him? Maybe the best thing you can do for him is never speak to him again!" He shouted back before walking away in the opposite direction.

His words echoed in my head. Maybe he was right. Josh didn't need me, he needed someone better. If I really was beginning to love him, maybe the best thing for me to do was to let him go before I sucked him into my world. I was only dragging him down with me.

Maybe Matt was right all along.

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