Chapter 1

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Oli's POV

I could see him standing there with his friend Matt Barnes. Leaning against the locker sideways, showing off his perfect ass obliviously. I've been looking at him for a good couple of minutes now, waiting for him to return my look. I wanted him to notice me staring so that I could make my move. I wanted him to know I wanted him.

The bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts. The students outside the doorway quickly dispersed into the chemistry classroom. I waited until Josh started to walk and then I rushed to walk behind him.

Once I got inside, people started calling my name, beckoning me to sit near them. As if. Selfish bitches only wanted me for my popularity and good looks. Besides, I was on a mission to sit as close to a certain boy as possible.

Unfortunately for me, that Matt kid decided to take my spot next to Josh so I had to sit behind him. If Josh and Matt weren't so close, I would have made him move seats.

The class dragged on painfully slow. I looked at Josh's hands as he played with his pen, quickly tapping it against the table to a beat like he was drumming. This got boring quickly, so i decided to try and get the gorgeous boy in front of me attention.

I places my feet against the back of his chair, hoping the small amount of pressure on his back would make him turn around. Nothing. I ripped off the corner of my page, scrunching it into a paper ball before launching it at the middle of Josh's head. Nothing. Annoyed, I moved my feet to the base of his chairs legs, kicking hard against the two back pieces of plastic.

After a few minutes, Josh finally turned around, looking back at me with his eyebrows pulled together. I pulled my signature smirk at him before licking my lips slowly and biting down on them hard whilst we made eye contact.


Except Josh just looked at me for a second, before turning back around to look at the white board. Huh, that's never happened before, usually they give me some kind of reaction after that. Whatever. Josh playing hard to get just made me want him more.

I wanted his blue eyes to be the first thing I saw in the morning when we both woke up in my bed. Naked, of course.

The rest of class went by slowly. Josh glanced back every once in a while, to my satisfaction. When the bell rang, I walked straight out the classroom, smirking straight at a staring Josh on my way out. Just before I exited the door, i managed to catch the small blush on Josh's face and the pissed off glare of Matt Barnes.

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