Chapter 4

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Josh's POV:

I was currently getting ready for the party, after hours of debating what to wear I had finally decided on a plain white shirt, black jeans and vans. I had no idea what people wore to these kinds of parties, I literally had to google it. I currently had 20 minutes to get to Oli's house which was a 15 minute walk from mine. I would have asked my mum or dad for a lift, but they would kill me if they knew I was going to a house party with alcohol, drugs and all that stuff. It was a good thing they believed me when I said I was off to Matts tonight to revise.

I slipped on a thin denim jacket and left quickly, wanting to avoid my parents on the way out. I was scared that I would crack under pressure if they started to ask me questions, and then I would accidentally let it slip where I was actually going.

The walk there was cold and slow, it was freezing even for British weather. I could tell I was almost there when I heard the faint noise of heavily bass boosted music and teenagers screaming from down the street. Why did I agree to this then?

As soon as I opened the door I was met with the strong smell of alcohol and teenagers. The music was loud enough to make my ears bleed, Oli was lucky that his neighbours houses were pretty far apart from his, otherwise someone would have probably called the police by now. The entire living room was packed with people dancing and the kitchen counter was consumed by different bottles of alcohol. This definitely isn't my kind of scene.

"Hey Joshy." Someone whispered directly in my eye, making me jump and turn around to see Oli stood right behind me. "I though you were going to stand me up for a minute there."

"Why would I ever dream of doing that?" I replied sarcastically, leaning in close to him so that he could hear me over the music.

"Let's go get drinks." With that he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the kitchen, pouring a load of different drinks into a plastic cup and then handing it to me. I drank it quickly, repulsed by the strong gross taste. Oli laughed at me when I made a face of disgust. He downed his own cup and then poured us both out another one.


My brain was completely fuzzy. I had no idea, what time it was was or how many drinks I had had, all I knew was that I was sat on someone's lap right now whilst they talked to the other people in the circle around us. I leaned back into the persons chest as they started to kiss my neck. I wasn't complaining, it felt good.

"You wanna go up to my bedroom?" The person slurred in my ear, from their voice I instantly recognised it to be Oli. It suddenly occurred to me just how uncomfortable his lap was. I turned around to look into his brown eyes and then nodded.

We went upstairs to his bedroom. As soon as the door shut behind me, I was being pressed up against it. I moaned at the feeling of his body pressed up against mine before he started to kiss me sloppily. Our mouths danced quickly as he forced his tongue through my lips. I groaned again as our tongues fought for dominance against each other. He lifted me off the floor by my thighs, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. I could feel the bulge in his trousers rub against mine as he moved with me across the room before dropping me down onto his bed.

He pulled his shirt over his head before climbing on top of me. His chest was covered in colourful ink, highlighting the faint ab lines that he had. We started to make out again, his breaking our kiss to take my jacket and shirt off. He moved his lips down to my now exposed chest, kissing downwards until he got to the top of my jeans. He sucked on the skin on my hips as he started to undo my belt, throwing it across the room before pulling down my jeans and boxers.

Oli looked up at me with his signature smirk before he began to lick my cock. He took itv completely in his mouth, moving his lips back and forth around it quickly. I moaned continuously, bucking me hips up until he deep throated me. He pulled off of me, standing up again to take off the rest of his clothes. I took this opportunity to remove the rest of my outfit as well. He came and sat back down on my hips, kissing me again with more force.

"Do you want it, sunshine?"

"Please Oli." I moaned, feeling his hard dick against my skin.

"Alright darling." He replied before licking one of his fingers and pushing it into me with no warning. I whispered slightly from the pain, having never experienced anything like this before. He kissed me agin before putting in another finger, moving them around to stretch me out further.

When the pain disappeared, the pleasure began. I moaned loudly as shots of heat were sent around my entire body. I felt like I was on fire. He took this as a sign that I was ready, pulling out his fingers making me feel empty.

He reached for his bedside cabinet, taking out a condom and ripping the wrapper off with his teeth. Fuck that was hot. Oli pumped himself a few times, moaning at the feeling of his own hand, before slipping it on. He looked into my eyes as he aligned himself with my entrance and slowly pushed in, wrapping my legs around his waist as he did. I whimpered in pain, feeling the burn of his stretching me way more than his fingers did.

"Don't worry baby it will get better." He moaned, kissing me as he started to move his hips. After a few seconds I began to feel the pleasure again. He rocked his hips back and forth as we both moaned in sync.

"Faster Oli." I groaned. He complied, shoving himself in deeper and quicker, making him moan louder and shove his head in my neck. He began sucking my skin again, causing me to moan his name louder. Suddenly, pleasure ripped through me whole, making me cry out. He smirked against my neck as he carried on hitting that exact spot over and over again.

"Fuck Josh. You're so tight baby." He groaned. Oli reaches between our bodies and began stroking my length with his left hand quickly. Heat began to rise between me until I let go, coming in Oli's hand with a long moan. He continued to pound into me until he came as well, collapsing against my body with a large huff.

He pulled out of me once his hips had stopped shaking, taking off his condom before throwing it in his bedroom bin.

He came back to lay down on the bed, pulling me closer so that we were touching. Oli took some tissues off the bedside cabinet and used them to wipe the mess off of our chests. My eyes started to drop from exhaustion, the last thing I remember was him pulling the covers up around both of our bodies as I wrapped my arms around his chest.

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