Chapter 23

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Oliver's POV

It took awhile for everything to return back to how it had once been but eventually it did.

Josh told the police how his parents had kicked him out and they got fined for child abuse and lying to the police. The police wanted his parents to be sentenced to time in prison but Josh objected to that, I guess deep down inside he still loved them even if they didn't love him back.

We finished school together and on our last day I asked him to be my boyfriend again and he said yes. After that I moved back into my room so I could sleep next to Josh instead of sleeping in the spare room.

Every Thursday we'd have a date night alone to spend time with each other; going to restaurants, bowling, watching movies. You name it, we did it.

We moved into our own flat and out of my parents house, much to my parents relief as they were probably sick of hearing us bang all the time. One time, my mum walked in on me sucking off Josh whilst he was sat naked on the kicked counter. Let's just say, she wasn't very impressed and didn't find it as funny as we did.

I started my own clothing business and Josh was in a pretty successful band with Matt called You Me At Six. We made quite a lot of money between us so we were able to afford a pretty nice apartment with huge fancy rooms and a balcony that gave us the most amazing view across the entire city.

For Christmas one year I got me and Josh a holiday to Mexico where I surprised him by getting down on one knee and giving him the fattest diamond ring you've ever seen in exchange for him agreeing to marry me. It was pretty perfect.

We were on the beach standing in the beautiful, clear Mexican water staring off into the sunset. I waited until he was looking away and then got down on one knee. At first, he was extremely confused but when he saw me pull out the ring he was more than excited. When he said yes, all his band mates and my family ran out from where they were hiding to congratulate us. I thought it would be nice for them to be there, so i secretly invited them and made sure Josh didn't see any of them until after I proposed.

Now it was before our wedding and I was extremely nervous. It was a pretty big occasion, with around 100 guests consisting of my entire family, Josh's band and sister, all our friends and a couple of my clothing lines employees.

I wasn't aware Josh had a sister until last year when she came round for his 24ty birthday. Turns out she was quite a lot older then him, so she wasn't aware of what had happened between Josh and his parents until they reunited last year.

I stood at the alter nervously, playing with the cuffs of my jacket, my cheeks burning red from the feeling of everyone's eyes on me. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the wedding music beginning to play. I looked up to see Josh walking down the isle, his arm linked with my mums. Obviously we didn't invite Josh's parents to the wedding, so my mum was walking him down the isle instead.

He stopped right in front of me and we smiled at each other shyly. Josh might have been use to having this many eyes on him seen as though he was a singer but I certainly was not. Since school ended I've become so much more quite and reserved, not even bothering to try and stay in touch with the popular group I use to hang with in secondary school.

We both said our vows and kissed to seal our marriage, it was just like the ending scene in some soppy romance movie. Except this wasn't the end of our story, we still had so much more to come. In fact, this was only the beginning.

After the wedding and the after party, I scooped a tired Josh up in my arms and carried him back to our hotel room. As soon as the hotel room door closed, he jumped out of my arms and backed me up against the door, kissing me until I could no longer breathe.

Before I knew it we were on the bed in just our boxers, expensive suits left on a heap on the ground. I got on top of him, sitting on his waist whilst we continued to kiss, slowing grinding down on each other. I could feel how hard he was already and I'm sure I was the same.

I slipped my fingers into the waist band of his boxers, slowly dragging them down his thighs and eventually taking them off all together. I moaned simply at the sight of him naked, I loved him so much.

I reached into my suite-case that beside our bed, taking out a bottle of lube and putting some on my fingers and my dick. I slowly inserted one of my fingers into him, moving it around a bit and then adding another one. He moaned and whimpered as I moved my fingers in and out, preparing him for what was coming next.

I felt him wrap him hand around me, making sure I was as hard as possible before he wrapped his arms around my back, telling me he was ready. I removed my fingers, lining myself up with his hole before pushing in. His breath faltered slightly as did mine as we both moaned at the feeling. I moved in and out of him slowly, taking in how good it felt to be inside of him.

"I love you." He panted, his head leaning against the pillow as he gripped my back for support. I leaned down to kiss him, unable to say the words back to him as my breathing was so heavy. My stomach started to churn as the familiar feeling of reaching my climax brewed inside of me. I reached down between us, grabbing on to him and moving my hand up and down him quickly.

He screamed my name, his eyes rolling back into his head as he came all over our sweaty chests. I came straight after, my body burning up inside as pleasure over took me. I landed right on top of him, not bothering to move as we both caught our breath.

"I love you so much." I whispered into his ear.

"Will you stay with me forever?"

"Princess, forever isn't long enough."

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