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Hey guys!!! this the end of this story but I don't really want to call it the end because this is only the beginning of their life together. I want to thank everyone that has been on this journey with me, for your support and all you was truly amazing and I'm dedicating this chapter to a good friend of mine, SilentlyShippingYou for she's a phenomenal soul who kept me going. Big thank you to dear💖


Its been five years since Danny and I got back together and all I can say was that life was going great. I won't say that we don't fight at times but we somehow have learnt to overcome every obstacles that comes our way

Speaking of obstacles, Samurai (my sister-in-law in case you have forgotten) has finally been arrested a year after mine and Danny's reconcilation. At least we are safe and free from any possible threat for now

I just got back from the hospital today since I haven't been feeling too well lately. I got the most exciting news about being pregnant and I couldn't wait for my husband to come home so i could share the News.

I went to pick up Dawn from school in the meantime and also get a chance to see Suzzy and Ash. I got to school and saw Dawn standing outside her school looking worried. Boy my baby was all grown up. I honked so she could notice me

"Gowd afternwon mwmmy" she said I her baby voice

"Good afternoon baby, how was school?" I kissed her forehead

"Mwmmy Ash got into trowble today" no wonder Suzzy wasn't here, she must have gone to scold him at home

"I'll go to their house to see if he's okay" she nodded. She always cares for ash like her brother and feels sad whenever he gets into trouble.

After dropping dawn at home, I went to my brothers place. I immediately ran into his arms the moment I saw him "looks like someone missed me" he chuckled

"What happened to Ash?" I asked looking around for a any signs of him

"He's in his room with his mother who is explaining to him that calling someone a 'bwtch' is bad"

"He called someone that?" I wasn't that surprised

"Well what do you expect, with Suzzy as his mother, he's bound to cuss"

"I heard that" Suzzy said coming down from Ash room and gave me a quick hug "is it my fault that I cuss a lot?" I went to their kitchen a poured myself a glass of juice as they started arguing

"Well you need to understand that we have a child now, you should learn how to speak in front of him" he turned to me "do you know that Ash called his classmate a witwit"

"A witwit. What's that?" I furrowed my brows in confusion

"It's nitwit, thankfully the kid's parents didn't understand" he glared at Suzzy again

"How is that my fault? Maybe the child was actually being a nitwit" Suzzy countered

"If this is how you're going to act then it would be best not to have more kids" Ethan yelled at her causing my eyes to go wide. I still want to be an aunt

HER UNDYING LOVE ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ