Chapter 39

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We were immediately attended to as soon as we got to the hospital. Suzzy was already panting, Ethan on the other hand is a nervous wreck. He was worst than Suzzy

I had totally forgotten about Daniel and my problems, he was the least of my worries right now. We were pacing worriedly in the lobby mostly Ethan and I when the doctor came out.

"Doctor, is she alright? Has she given birth?" Ethan and I bombarded the poor doctor with questions

"Not yet, but the patient has insisted on having Ethan and Alex in the theater or she won't push. Please who is Ethan and Alex?"

"That's us sir, let's go" Ethan and I were given hospital cover-up, it looked like a dress made out of plastic bag. When we entered the labor room, Suzzy was sprawled on the bed yelling at the nurses to get the both of us

"Babe I'm right here" Ethan immediately ran to stand beside her, holding her hand. I did the same to her other hand

"Ok now Suzzy, I need you to push" the doctor instructed. she pushed screaming hard "one more time push, you got this" the doctor encouraged

"Ahhhh.....fuck, I'm never having sex again" Suzzy cried out

"Please don't say that babe, just push ok" Ethan said earning a deathly glared from her

"Easy for you to say, I feel like my vagina is going to explode.....ahhhhh" she cried out loudly again "this is all your fault" she staring crying

"Please Suzzy, I'll need you to push one more time, this time, I want you to give it all you've got" said the doctor

"I can't do this Alex" she turned to me crying

"Nonesense, look at me, we'll do it together ok" she nodded "on three, 1.......2........3..... Push" we both screamed as she pushed harder, finally bringing her baby into the world

"It's a boy" the doctor said as the cute chubby baby with beautiful brown eyes like his mom started crying. Tears spilled out of Ethan's eyes as he thanked Suzzy over and over again for giving him the most beautiful gift.

The doctor brought back the baby after the baby has been cleaned up. The baby was given to Suzzy and Ethan as they cooed at the baby. I couldn't help the tears that slipped my eyes as I watch them happily

"Any names yet?" I asked smiling warmly at them. Ethan and Suzzy shared a look before Suzzy answered

"We were hoping you could name him." She said. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks as I thought of a good name

"Ash..." I muttered "Ash Slyvester Norman" I smiled unsure if they would like it

"We love it" they said in unison as I stretched my hands forward to carry Ash. He was shinning his beautiful eyes with his hand in his mouth, I couldn't conceal the smile that broke out on my face. Right there and then, I decided that I didn't need Daniel to accept me or my baby, all that matters is that I'll also have a bundle of joy like this of my own.

 Right there and then, I decided that I didn't need Daniel to accept me or my baby, all that matters is that I'll also have a bundle of joy like this of my own

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I stood outside the hospital ward with mom, my sister and her fiancee, we were waiting patiently for the doctor to come tell us the news.

I got worried when he asked for Alexa and Ethan but I pray everything is fine and that Suzzy delivers safely. She and Ethan are good friends of mine, I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

As I sat down quietly praying for Suzzy's safe delivery, mom came over to me and led me to a quiet section of the hospital

"Son, don't you love Alexa anymore?" She asked softly causing me to sigh

"I love her very much mom but I..I just can't look at her the same way now that she's carrying another man's child" I explained

"How sure are you that the child in her womb belongs to Max?" I kept numb "for all you know, she could be carrying your baby, my grandson or daughter"

"Mom is not possible, I...I didn' know..... touch her" I tried explaining, ashamed of saying the word 'sex' in front of her

"Didn't you touch her before the whole Max incident" I thought carefully for awhile but couldn't really recall

"I'm not sure mom" I said

"Why don't you at least wait till when the baby is born and then a DNA test could be carried out and if it turns out to be Maxs' then out of  your love for Alexa, you'll have to accept the baby"

"I don't know mom, whenever I look at Alexa, all I can see is Max's hands all over her. It makes me angry because I wasn't able to help her, I couldn't fulfill my duties as a husband" I admitted. I didn't know when Ethan came until he placed his hands on my shoulders

"How could you say such things Daniel? After all my baby sister has gone through because of you. She defended you when you were poor, she took warnings and insults from your elder sister and prospective bride, she got raped for you, what else has she not done for you Daniel? Even if the child is Maxs' you have no right to judge my sister, you have no right to take Her Undying Love for granted" Ethan growled at me

"You can't blame me for all this Ethan" I tried explaining my side but he wouldn't listen

"You do not deserve my sister" with that, he stormed off angrily

"Daniel, Ethan is absolutely right. What you're doing is so wrong." Mom also left.

I went back into the hospital to do just as I have been told, to tell Alexa that I was willing to compromise. I got there and entered the room, I saw Alexa carrying the little baby in her arms. She gave him back to Suzzy as soon as she saw me

"I'm willing to accept......" She raised her hand in front of my face cutting me off

"I don't need you to accept my baby Danny, I'll never be able to live with you when you think of me as a dirty woman. Yes I'm dirty Daniel but I've never stopped loving you, I may be dirty but I'm not ashamed of my child" she said boldly

"I'm willing to leave you and your home, if that makes you happy. There'll always be a place for you in my heart but I can't be with a man who wants to manage me. I just realized that I'm worth so much more" she smiled brightly as she wiped away the tears rolling down her smooth face.

That was the last thing she said before leaving not just the hospital, my room, my house and my life.

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