Chapter 44

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I left Alexa's house with so much pain and heartbreak, none compared to what i had put her through. Tears continued to roll down my cheek as I replayed her words over and over again in my head.

I decided to stay at my dad's house today, I wanted to feel Alexa's presence around me. Reaching home, I gently parked my car before heading to our old room, it looked the same, just empty. I sat on the floor and began recalling how badly I treated Alexa in this room, and the fact that I won't be able to get her back.

I sat on the floor feeling pity for myself when mom came into my room, looking a bit excited.

"So how was it son? Did you get to see her? What about my grandbaby? Tell me everything Daniel" she urged

"I did see her and the baby mother, her name is dawn and she's as beautiful as Alexa" I smiled remembering how dawn held me with her cute hands and that toothless grin she gave me, it was enough to fill my heart with so much joy that I lacked for this past months "do you know that today was the first day she smiled, seeing me"

"That's so wonderful son, oh I miss them so much. I wish I could hold her in my arms. So tell me when are you bringing Alexa and the baby back? Oh there's so much to do. We need to prepare, get her a nice baby room, get yours and Alexa's room prepar..... " I cut her off

"They won't be coming mom" she immediately stopped smiling, her excitement gone. "Alexa doesn't want to be with me anymore, she....she has mov...ed on" my heart aching with every word I said, you deserve this my conscience said to me

"So that's it?" She got up angrily "you're going to give up that easily? Are you a coward? I didn't expect this from you. If you have given up so easily then I'm sad to say to you that you do not deserve Alexa or your baby" she pointing her long index finger at my face

"What do you want me to do mother? She already said she doesn't want to be with me anymore" I looked down in shame

"Sometimes it's too late to make things right with others, but it's never too late to clear your conscience, take accountability and make things right with yourself." She sat close to me again "she is upset because of the way you distrusted, disrespected and belittled her. There's no problem in this world that can't be solved, you need to show her you're still the man she fell in love with" I wiped my eyes

"B...ut where do you think I should start from?" Because I'm more than confused right now

"From the beginning" I was confused at first but I think I got it.

*****  The Next Day *******

With determination, I decided to bring back my family. Mother is running the company in my absence, she has given me two weeks to get my life back on track.

I know if I want to get my wife and baby back, I need to apologise to my friends first. I rang the doorbell and after two minutes, Suzzy opened the door. She was surprised at first but when she realized it was me, she closed the door in my face.

I waited a while and later she came back within a twinkle of an eye, she punched me on the face. Ok, I deserve that. She stomped back inside and then I heard Ethan probably asking her why she was banging the door.

Ethan came and opened the door. Immediately he saw me holding my red cheek, the slammed the door shut again. He came back and he too gave me his own punch in the gut before shutting the door again.

With my burning cheek and punctured gut, I rang the doorbell again. It's took a couple of minutes before they opened the door, both of them staring me down

"What are you doing here Daniel?" Ethan barked at me

"I...I came to apologise" he lunged towards me and Suzzy held him back while I raise my hands in surrender "I know don't deserve your forgiveness or kindess..."

"Damn right you don't" Suzzy interrupted

"But I'm going to ask for your forgiveness anyway. Please forgive me for the mistakes I made, please I beg you. I have come to realize my mistake and I'm so sorry for all I did. Please forgive me, please" I begged with folded hands as fresh tears rolled down my face

"Look Daniel, we are not the ones you should be apologizing to" Ethan finally spoke up, I was about to respond when a cute boy crawled forward, squatting close to Suzzy.

Suzzy immediately picked him up and the baby looked at me and smiled, showing two cute baby tooth. I guess babies love me a lot, they keep smiling at me. I stretched my hands forward reaching out to him and he immediately stopped sucking his thumb and opened his hands for me.

Suzzy carefully gave him to me while Ethan scowled at this "can I at least come in?" And they let me in

"Seriously Daniel, Alexa is the one you should be apologizing to. She went through so much during her pregnancy and almost had a C-section" Ethan explained

"I know and I have but she said she doesn't want anything to do with me" Ash suggested he wanted to come down so i put him down and he started crawling around

"So you're going to give up that easily?" Suzzy asked

"I'm not, I just came to apologise to you guys as well. I'm very sorry" they both shared a look then Suzzy clapped her hands and got up, opening her hands to me for a hug

"This time treat my Alex right or I'm going to rip off your testicles" she said after pulling away

"I got it" I didn't need to be told twice because I know Suzzy is capable of her treat

"Well we don't have problems dude" Ethan gave me a bro hug "like my wife just said, if you hurt my sister again, we'll rip your balls off" I nodded

"Of course man" phew, on to the next phase

*** The evening of that day ****

After leaving Ethan's house, I went back home to freshen up. After getting myself ready, I drove to Alexa's house.

I rang the bell a few times but no one answered. I was beginning to think that no one was at home until a man opened the door. He looked a few years older than me staring at me quizzically

Am I in the wrong house? How come a dude is answering the door. I was about to apologise for knocking on someone else's door when this happened

"Phil who is there?" Alexa asked laughing but that wasn't the issue, the issue was that she was wearing a denim short shorts with that short tight top, I believe women call it gym bra but that's not the case. She was wearing that with a man in the house. She looked at me wide eyed, definitely surprised to see me

"What the fuck is going on here?" I sneered at them

Uh oh!! Alexa is going to be so much trouble. What would you do if you were in Daniel's position?

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