Chapter 38

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Ethan and Suzzy were coming back tomorrow, so you could see how happy I was about it. I am already picturing suzzy's face when I tell her about my pregnancy.

Daniel had just got back from work and was upstairs taking a shower. I was busy making dinner, wanting to impress my husband tonight. We have lacked romance in our relationship and I want that back, I want to feel his body heat again.

I had also puked this morning, I woke up Daniel with the sound of my gagging. He still hasn't said a word to me and that has left me heart broken.

I just can't understand why he doesn't want our baby. I mean we have never really talked about having kids but I'm sure he wants some with me right? What I don't get is why he's being distant and cold but I plan on changing everything tonight.

After all, we were the only ones at home so I plan on going wild tonight. I just want us to rekindle our flame, which is why am preparing his favorite dish. They said the way to a man's heart was his stomach, am willing to try that theory tonight

He came down shortly for dinner and I served him. I ran upstairs to go change, I put on the sexiest outfit I had and came to Join him. I stood close to him, wanting him to notice what I was wearing but the dummy was busy on his phone.

I cleared my throat, gaining his attention. His eyes scanned me, travelling down from my legs to my face. I felt so hot from his stare, he hasn't touched me yet but his eyes were doing wonders to my body.

I sat down close to him as I dished out our food. He ate earnestly without looking at me. I smiled to myself, seeing how he's enjoying his meal. Oh my sweet Danny, I have you cornered today. You can't escape me. I smiled at the naughty thoughts running through my head.

After dinner, he went to the room while I cleaned up. He offered to help but I asked him to go rest. I walked slowly to the room, making him anxious for me and when I got there, I saw him lying peacefully on the bed with both hands behind his head leaving his gorgeous abs in full display.

I went closer to him and got on top on him, straddling him. His eyes immediately opened, I smiled at him as I started placing feathery kisses on his body

"What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes

"What does it look like?" I continued my assault on his body, liking and kissing his abs, his chest and sucking on his cute nipples.

"I'm not in the mood" he held my shoulders and pushed me gently on the bed so that I was now laying beside him. I couldn't understand, why is he acting this way.

I reached for him again and claimed his lips but he pulled away instantly causing my eyes to prick with tears

"I said I'm not in the mood, don't you fucking understand?" He yelled this time around.

"I.. I...I'm so S..sorry.." I muttered as tears rolled down my cheeks. I scooted away from him and turn to the other side, laying down gently. I started crying silently, you know that type of cry where there's no sound, just water spilling out of your eyes.


Suzzy and Ethan had just arrived this afternoon and were sitting with me and we were catching up with each other.

Ethan excused himself and went to chat with Daniel, I on the other hand was catching up with Suzzy. Her pregnancy was already due and she'll give birth anytime soon.

"So tell me, what's up with you and Daniel? You two aren't lovey-dovey as usual" Suzzy asked

"What do I tell you Suzzy, Danny has been different ever since M...max." I answered sadly

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