Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning feeling excited and happy. For the first time in my life I felt like my life had a purpose.

I took special time in the bathroom today and got dressed in a black high waisted skirt and white long sleeve shirt which I tucked in. I wore a wine colored ankle boots and packed my hair in a ponytail.

I went to school happily and wasn't going to let anyone ruin my day. I walked into my class and answered all the physics questions correctly. My lesson with Daniel paid off.

Time flew so quickly and I was impatient to get to work so that I could tell Suzzy all about Daniel. You're probably wondering why I didn't tell her over the phone and the truth is that I don't have her number

I know am a bad friend, it's just that i didn't think she and I will get this far in our friendship. I headed over to the cafeteria and as usual Riley tried to spite me

"How's it going Alexander? You look like a slut" I remembered Daniel telling me to stick up for myself and I decided to try it

"You know what Riley? I'm actually very fine. I'm properly dressed unlike some skanky hoes I see around here" she gasped and the funny part is that I heard her asking Miranda what a skank was

"Oh and by the way sweetheart, it's Alexandra not Alexander Dumbo" the whole cafeteria gasped and started murmuring as I walked away

School closed on time and I quickly rushed to the animal shelter to give Suzzy the whole gist.

I ran to hug her the moment I saw her and she giggled hugging me back

"What's making you so happy? Did you get laid?" She giggled and I blushed at the thought of Daniel and I....... delete delete delete. She gasped seeing my reaction

"It's not like that Suzzy" by now my whole face was as read as a tomato

"Tell me everything" I giggled as I narrated the whole story to her without leaving out any details. At the end of the story, she squealed loudly

"Oh My God. I'm so happy for you. You're finally in love" woah, was I? I don't know. I wasn't right?

"I'm not in love Suzzy. Yes I'm crushing on him hard but I don't think it's love" she rolled her eyes

"What do you know about love?" I didn't know anything

"I don't know but I don't think one can fall in love after a first meeting" I argued while changing my uniform

"Haven't you heard of love at first sight?" I rolled my eyes

"That always happens in movies and novels. I don't believe in it" she sighed

"I'll let you discover it yourself" we spent the rest of the day working. I couldn't stop thinking about him. No, I couldn't be in love. I would know if what I'm feeling is love right?

I just can't stop thinking about him though. I went home feeling incomplete. My body was itching me to see Daniel, this was madness.

I snuck up to T&K's to see if I could catch at least just a glimpse of Daniel and his handsome face. I stood at the window but couldn't see him inside

Damn, his shift must be over. I wanted to see him so bad. I turned to leave but hit a hard wall. Wait! There wasn't a wall there earlier, I looked up and saw Daniel peering at me with amusement

"What are you doing?" He asked smiling at me

" I was, I was searching for my k..kiss no I mean keys" Alexa really? Your kiss?

"Your keys? And you left them back here?" He arched his brows

"Yes, I misplaced it yesterday" I continued lying

"Why don't you admit that you came to see me" he said walking closer to me.

"O... of course not" he caged me with both his hands on the wall behind me

"Are you sure?" I gulped. My heart was about to burst out if my chest due to our close proximity

"Y..yes" he smirked noticing the effect he had on me. His gazed lowered to my lips and lingered longer. He gulped as he stared at me again, his eyes filled with desire as i bit my lips

He gulped and stepped away from me. We both stood there glancing at each other awkwardly.

"Um...I should go" I said turning to Leave when he spoke up

"Would you like to hang out?" Gosh that feeling again. I smiled at the thought of spending time with him

"Yeah" he smiled offering his arms which I gladly took

"Where do you want to go?" I smiled staring at my hands in his large ones.

"It's pretty late, we could stroll to the park and then I'll head home" he agreed as we walked towards the park

"So tell me, how was the topic I taught you yesterday?" He looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes I've been having sleepless night about

"It was easy, I could answer all in questions related to it today" I stated happily

"I know I did a pretty good job" he joked around

"So tell me what's your favorite color?" Of all questions I could ask, I choose this

"Hmm, I don't think I have one" he replied

"What about you?" We finally reached the park and sat on one of the benches

"I love black" he chuckled

"Why black though, most girls I know like pink, yellow or purple" he asked

"I don't know, It doesn't attract you to others I guess" he turned to look at me

"I don't think so" he stated staring deep into my eyes

"Why" my voice dry as I stared at his face

"Because, I still find you extremely attractive" I blushed looking away from his eyes.

He held my chin to look at him. We gazed into each others eyes with want for each other. The chemistry between us was getting stronger

I cleared my throat and looked away. I got up abruptly not wanting to go any further. I was scared, I've never experienced this before. I think we're going too fast

I don't know, I just feel we should take things slow. Who knows, he might not like me the way I like him. He might just want to have sex with me, who knows.

He got up looking worried. I grabbed my bags to leave but, he held my hands

"Alexa, did I do something wrong?" He asked looking so innocent with worry and confusion etched on his face

"No you didn't. It's just that this thing between...... nevermind, I don't know what I'm saying" I retracted from saying 'this thing between us' because, I might be the only one feeling it

"Tell me" he pushed further

"I feel we're going too fast. I don't know, maybe it's my head creating this weird scenarios that you're interested in me" he pulled me closer

"No, this isn't an imagination. I feel the strong pull between us too. I totally understand if you think we're going to fast. We'll take it slow, your pace" my heart skipped hearing this words from him.

"O..ok" I smiled. He took his bag and offered me his hands again

"May I walk you home?" I blushed. Little gestures from him brings warmth to my heart

"I'd love that" he walked me home that night.

I slept peacefully that night, feeling complete from seeing him. I couldn't stop smiling remembering our time together and the possibility that we might be an item.....soon

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