Chapter 22

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We went into Danny's room and i was amazed by how beautifully designed it was. I started looking around with Daniel behind me, following my every step.

"What are you doing?" I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me from behind

"I miss you" he said pushing my hair to the side before placing sweet kisses on my neck towards my earlobe sending me into overdrive

"Me too....but we can't, not right now" he groaned before going to sit on the bed

"If you don't want me, just say so" I gasped and walked over to him

"How did you come up with such idea? Trust me Danny, I want to be with you but I have so many things on my mind right now. The wedding preparations, not to talk of your sister and mother hating me already" he took my hands and sat me on his lap

"Don't worry too much, everything will be fine I promise" I wrapped my hands around his neck and he muttered something

"What did you say?" I pulled away from our hug "I said that doesn't mean I can't get a kiss" I giggled as he pouted. He was being cute, so I kissed him just like he wanted but that's all we did so don't get any ideas


Suzzy and I are doing wedding shopping, Anastasia had come with us as she was one of my bridesmaids so, I decided to get to know her a little more.

"Anastasia, you're not like your mother or bitchy sister" Suzzy blurted out and I nudged her with my elbow

"Sorry, Suzzy can be a loud mouth at times" Suzzy rolled her eyes

"It's okay, I get that a lot actually. Well to answer your question, I don't derive pleasure in hurting others and I'm content with what I have. Yes they are my family but, I know what they're capable of which is why I would be careful if I were you Alex" I nodded in understanding while Suzzy ran into the lingerie shop

"We better follow her before she gets into any trouble" we both giggled

"Oh and by the way, you can call me Anna, Anastasia is too long" she said checking our some lingerie

"Tell me about it, mine is Alexandra" she giggled. Suzzy ran over to me and handed me a panty that looked like three ropes joined together

"What is this?" She and Anna looked at each other and started laughing. I stood there looking like an idiot, I didn't get the joke

"That my friend is a G-string. Come on, go try it on" I looked at her like she had a horn on her nose

"No thank you. I won't feel comfortable in this" Anna handed me another pair. This one looked like normal panties but it was lacy

"Thanks" at least this one seemed comfortable.

"So tell me Anna do you have a boyfriend?" Oh my goodness, Suzzy will get me trouble. I glared at her and she just shrugged her shoulders

"It's okay to ask. I don't have one" she said while Suzzy stood there with her mouth open

"WTF!!! Why not? You're so hot" she blushed "there must be someone you like" I added

"Well there is but, he belongs to someone else" Suzzy and I gasped

"Who is he, do we know him?" We asked in unison. She shook her head

"His name is Roman Gonzalez. He's Samurais boyfriend" OMG I didn't know Samurai was seeing someone

"She looks more like an ice queen to me" Suzzy said and I glared at her

"Roman and I used to see each other but when I introduced him to dad to give him a job, Samurai saw him and started taking interest him. She slept with him so I let her have him. He works for Daniel now" Suzzy and I hugged her tight.

"It's going to be alright Anna, that Roman is a douchebag if you ask me for leaving you for a devil like your sister" Suzzy said

"Suzzy don't talk like that, she's still Anna's sister so respect her" Suzzy muttered whatever but didn't say anything more.

We went for dress shopping, cakes, flowers, bridesmaids dresses and so many more. It was an exhausting day and I'm so happy Suzzy was there with me every step of the way.

Tommorow was the rehearsal dinner while tonight we were having my bachelorette party. I know all this is so soon but, Danny and I decided to get married soon as his father's health was deteriorating.

His father wanted to be present for our wedding so Daniel and I had to get married as soon as possible because we don't know how much time he has left. Daniel had asked Ethan to be his best man since he didn't have any close friends and all, Roman would also be one of his groomsmen.

Anyway, the girls are coming over tonight so Suzzy and I got my apartment ready and fixed everything up. The doorbell rang and I went to open it to see Anna but she wasn't alone, Samurai was with her. I felt scared seeing her here. Who knows what she's going to do with me

"Um... Samurai, what are you doing here?" Anna went inside leaving us alone

"It's your bachelorette party right? Am I not invited?" I'm confused, why the sudden change of heart

"That's not what I meant, I didn't think you would come. You're welcome to join us" she smiled then held my hands

"Look am sorry for the way I treated you at first, I was just being insecure but am over it now. If possible forgive me and I was hoping you and I could be friends now" I put on my fake smile and welcomed her in.

I decided to text Danny to tell him what's going on so that in case I die this night, he'll know who's responsible (just saying)

'Danny, Samurai's here' i typed and within seconds he responded

'What the fuck does she want now?' if only i knew

'She said she wants to make amends' he called me instead

'' what do you mean by she wants to make amends?'' he whisper-yelled into the phone

'' I don't know what to think anymore'' he sighed, I knew he was worried for me

"Ok just be careful okay, I love you" I nodded my head but realize he couldn't see me through the phone

"Ok, I love you too" immediately I hung up, Suzzy ran up to me

"What's that bitch doing here?" I rolled my eyes before telling her what Samurai had said "and you believe her?" She asked

"We can't drive her away" I said but knowing Suzzy, she marched up to Samurai

"Listen here bitch, I don't know what your intentions are but if you try anything tonight, I'm going to break your bones" Suzzy warned her and all she did was smile without saying anything.

If I had known, I wouldn't have taken that smile of hers so lightly. I would have thrown her out of my house that night to avoid the storm she was about to awaken.


Hello everyone, 🙂 , I don't know how you are finding the story so far but, if you're actually enjoying it please let me know.

I feel it's getting a bit boring due to the lack of romance but please bare with me, it'll soon get to that part which is after the wedding.

I just want you to know that this book isn't entirely about romantic stuff but also about the challenges some people go through to be together, there are alot of twist and turns. The protagonists will have to go through series of test before they can finally be together......or not.

Anyway, thank you for reading my book, I also want to say a big thank you to InLoveWithAVamp for all her support and comments, she's one of the people why I keep writing this book. So thanks allot, you're amazing 💞💞💞

HER UNDYING LOVE ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora