Chapter 3

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I woke up this morning to get ready for work. I recently got a job at T&K's as a waiter. I took a shower in my small sized bathroom

I live in a poor neighborhood in New York. I was twenty six years old. A graduate but, couldn't get a decent job. I strived hard and managed to get a job and found one in T&K's.

Some girls actually find me attractive. Okay a lot of girls do. It's just that I haven't found anyone that Sparks my interest yet.

I went to work and got on with my business until a ray of sunshine waltzed into the cafe with her beautiful lavender perfume. I watched as she moved with elegance towards the furthest booth in the cafe

She was breathtaking. I couldn't pin point why I felt such a great attraction towards this beautiful girl. I decided to go and say hello when some girls walked up to me.

"Hi handsome, I'm Riley" she glided her manicured hands on my arms.

"Im Daniel....what would you like to order" I retracted my hands glancing back at the dark haired beauty at the back. Riley followed my gaze and turned blocking my view of her

"I want to order you. I could rock your world you know" she winked bitting her lips while her friends giggled in their high-pitched voice

"No thank you" she got angry and stormed over to the beautiful girl. She insulted her and threw the beautiful girl's books on the floor. She ignored them and continued reading

I already find her amusing and beautiful. I took an apple milkshake and went over to her table. I dropped it on her table and when she looked up, I felt my breathe hitched.

She stared at me with her beautiful eyes obviously checking me out. For the first time in my life, I felt self conscious Wondering if she'll like what she sees.

I was satisfied seeing the blush on face which meant she finds me attractive. She spoke up in the most angelic voice

"Sorry I didn't order for any" my heartbeat accelerated. We had an amazing conversation and I found her quite intelligent, kind and cute.

I stole glances at her as I helped her with her physics problems. I was quite good at physics back in school.

I enjoyed her company a lot. The way she smiled, how she chewed her pencil or bit her lips when she was confused. She was truly enchanting

After my shift was over, she came over to thank me before leaving but I couldn't let her go like that. What if I don't see her again? I don't want that

I offered to walk her home and thankfully she agreed. Our walk to her house was silent. More like an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say or do. I felt numb

When we arrived at her doorstep, it's like my system finally came back to life. I asked her if she would want me to be her tutor

I didn't want this to be the last time we see each other. I even blurted out that I was attracted to her and she blushed

This could only mean that she likes me too. When she told me her name, I felt thrilled. She was so beautiful just like her name.

She agreed to see me on Saturday although I felt it's too long but, I was willing to wait for my Alexa. What was I saying now?. I winked at her and she blushed but quickly ran inside.

She was so cute. Everything about her was exciting and amusing. I walked back home. It was now a double walk from her house to my place.

You know what they say, people do crazy things for love, my subconsciousness said. I blushed at the statement. It doesn't matter how far I had to walk Alexa was worth it




I got home pretty late. I entered my small apartment which consists of a small mat where I slept on and some few household utensils.

Yeah, I was poor. I didn't know my parents that well as I got separated from them at the age of five.


"Mom, i and dad were always happy together. We lived in a very big house but dad always travelled and when he left, mom always cried and felt sad.
  I tried my best to always make her happy but it wasn't enough. Life went on till I was five. Mom had to take me to an orphanage on my birthday

'momma....what's wrong? Are we here to see your friend?' I asked my mom who was busy bawling her eyes out

'listen daniel, i want you to know that momma and papa loves you ok. There are just somethings that can't be' she sniffed then pulled her necklace which had a ring and wore it on me

'momma are we not going inside?' I asked crying already

'i love you daniel. I want you to know that you're a great man ok' she handed me over to a sister at the orphanage crying

' i want to gwo with you' I cried as she ran away not looking back"

*End of flashback*

Tears slipped my eyes remembering the faithful night my world came crashing down. I didn't even hear of my father.

I took my bath and decided to change my mood. I thought of a familiar black haired beauty that has captured my heart.

I smiled just thinking of her and how wonderful she is, I feel like she's the only one that will bring happiness back into my lonely life. 

A thought crossed my mind as I was thinking of her. What if she doesn't want to be with me? What if she won't accept me due to my condition.

I have absolutely nothing to offer her. She deserves someone that will love, appreciate and spend on her. Anyhow it is, I'll try my best to make her happy, to provide for her

Wait!!! Why am I thinking all this? I haven't even asked her out yet. Ugh!! I layed on the floor to sleep, dreaming of a certain someone.

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