Chapter 35

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I watched them enjoy and celebrate Ethan's wedding. I smirked, they didn't know the storm was already brewing.

I called him to remind him of our plans which he had to execute tonight.

"What were you doing?" I hissed at him

"Chillax ok, I was just getting something to eat" he explained

"Eat? You were eating at a crucial time like this? Don't forget we executing our plans tonight"

"Of course I remember, don't worry. I know what to do" he said jokingly

"Good. On my signal, get on with the plan. Is that understood?" He chuckled then hung up on me

"This idiot better get the job right or I'll make sure to make his life miserable" I got ready and entered my car. I started the distraction. Let the game begin


After the phone call, I went inside an saw that boy dancing with Alexa, My Alexa. Why is he all over her? He's like a pest, whenever I wasn't around, he got close to her

I went over to Alexa, we danced and had fun till Newt called me

"Sir, we found her" my eyes bulged out of my sockets

"Call the police, I'm on my way" I rushed to my car but Alexa followed me

"Where are you going?" She asked terrified of the way I went outside

"Listen love, go back inside I'll be back soon" I told her reassuringly

"But where are going?" I sighed "they found Samurai, I need to go there right now" a look of horror appeared on her face

"Please be careful Daniel" I pecked her on the lips before rushing off.


Ethan came up to me along with Max worried.

"Where is he going so quickly?" Ethan asked placing his hands on my shoulders

"Samurai, they found her...." Tears slipped my eyes out of fear for the safety of my husband

"He'll be fine Alex, don't worry. That bitch needs to be put behind bars" I hugged him as he cooed at me

"Go on Ethan, I'll take care of her" Max finally spoke up

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked hesistantly

"Of course man, now go and enjoy your wedding" he patted Ethan in the back

"What are you going to do? pet me?" He chuckled saying "I'll do more than that"

"Let's go inside" he led me upstairs and offered me a glass of juice

"Here, take this and calm yourself down" I took a sip and it tasted heavenly. Innocently, I drank the whole glass.

Max drew closer, pulling my hair away from my face. I pulled away slightly. He leaned closer and tried to kiss me but i evaded it and got up abruptly. I regretted it instantly as I suddenly felt dizzy. I drowsily walked to the door and found it locked

"What's going on, why did you lock the door?" He chuckled advancing towards me carefully

"You have no idea how beautiful you are and how much I have wanted to run my hands over those luscious curves of yours" I crunched my face in disgust

"I'm a married woman Max, I don't think of you that way" I said groggily as I held my head in my hands

"Don't worry no one will disturb us" he came closer to me and I couldn't see him clearly

"Did you drug me" he smiled "This is one of the reasons I like you, you're so smart" he crushed his lips on mine, I felt the disgust but didn't have the strength to push him away

"What have you done to me?" Gathering enough strength, I pulled away from his sloppy lips

"I added a few drugs to your juice, it'll will make you sleepy yet aware of what we are about to do. I promise you, you'll definitely enjoy it" he trailed his hand on my face as he grabbed my ass. I shouted but due to the noise downstairs, it sounded like a muffled moan.

I groaned in disapproval as he started kissing me aggressively, I started pleading with him but he wouldn't listen. He kept kissing and licking on my skin till he pushed me on the bed

He took off his clothes and did same with mine, he started running his hands up and down my body as he stared at me lustfully

"Please don't do this to me" I pleaded as I was crying bitterly, praying for someone to come help me, anybody at all.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle" he said as he inserted himself inside me at one go. I cried out in pain but he placed his hands on my mouth

He started thrusting himself inside of me faster as I cried. I cried and cried but no one came, the time the door was opened, Max had already done what he wanted with me. I layed there on the bed as Ethan and Daniel started beating the shit out of Max. Suzzy cried out as she saw me on the bed.

Daniel and Ethan turned their attention to me which gave Max a leverage to escape. Ethan went after him while Daniel stayed behind as he and Suzzy covered me up with the bedsheets. I layed there numb, I couldn't feel the pain or anything else. All I felt was nothing

Daniel carried me and we went to the hospital. They immediately attended to me and rushed me towards the ward. Suddenly I felt my eyes growing drowsily and I finally gave into darkness.

***** 6 hours later*****

I heard voices arguing but I couldn't open my eyes so I decided to just listen

"What do you mean by that doctor?" A voice which am very familiar with asked angrily

"Well, the drug she was sedated with and also, he succeeded in forcing himself on her." I...I started choking on my tears, it became hard for me to breath. I felt my lungs constricting

"What's happening?" I heard someone shouting

"Nurse, she's having a panic attack" that was the last I heard before everything became dark again.

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