Chapter 11

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Exams were approaching faster than expected luckily, my boss in the animal shelter had to travel out of the country for a few weeks so, the shelter will be closed during this period, giving me enough time to study.

Suzzy and I decided to hangout at T&K's today. It's the perfect opportunity to introduce her to Daniel since he was going to help me with studying today, it's a win win.

Ethan has been out of town for a few days now, otherwise he would have come with us. We sat at the far end of the cafe when we got there.

Danny walked over to us and kissed me causing blush on my face. He always managed to make me giddy. He smirked seeing my reaction, we were still looking into each others eyes when Suzzy coughed loudly

"Sorry, Danny this Suzzy my best friend. Suzzy meet Daniel" Daniel stretched his hands for a handshake but Suzzy pulled him into a tight hug

"How's it going my man. Welcome to the family" she said tapping him on the back. She finally let go of him with my intervention while Danny chuckled

"It's nice to meet you too. Alexa has told me so much about you" we took our seats

"I know right, I'm one of a kind" she joked swiping imaginary dust from her shoulder causing us to laugh

"So what do I offer you guys?" We asked for another waiter according to Suzzy, it felt disrespectful. He got another waiter to take our orders while he went to attend to some customers

"Boo your man is HOT" she said the moment Danny left us

"Thanks" I blushed. The waiter brought our orders and I quickly started sipping on it while solving some physics questions

I was engrossed in reading when Suzzy smacked me on my head

"Ow....what was that for?" I said rubbing my head

"I was trying to tell you that there's a dumb bitch over there trying to hit on your man" I looked up to see Riley pushing her boobs in Daniels face and he looked uncomfortable

"It's Riley" I looked down at my drink already losing my appetite

"And so? She's trying to steal your man do something" I sighed but Suzzy had other plans. She got up and dragged me along with her

"So as I was saying, we could get out of here...." Riley was saying before Suzzy tapped her on her back

"Um bitch, this dude has a girlfriend and she happens to be here, so beat it" she stated. Riley on the other hand sized Suzzy up with her eyes not knowing she was also a rich kid like her

"What are you?" Riley said in her usual bitchy tone still gliding her hands on Daniel.

"Um I'm the bitch that's gonna rip your arm off if you don't get them off my boo's boyfriend" Daniel came and stepped in between them, not wanting to make a scene as everyone in the cafe were already staring at our direction

"Suzzy she's not worth it, just let her continue fooling herself" Danny said to Suzzy calmed who a bit but pumped up when Riley made a comment

"Look who's talking, an ordinary waiter that has no money to his name. He probably lives in a dumpster. This thing I was planning to manage, that's what you're fighting over? You're all losers" that did it before I could control myself, I slapped life out of her face

"How dare you talk to him that way" my entire body was burning with rage. Daniel had to hold me to control me

"This man you're calling poor and trash, is the same man you were begging to have sex with you. I don't care if his poor and it's non of  your fucking business but I promise you Riley, if you ever talk trash about my boyfriend again, I'll make sure you regret the day you were born" I spotted out

"Preach sister" Suzzy yelled throwing a punch at Riley's nose.

"Guys stop it" Daniel shouted. The whole cafe went still. Miranda and sunny took Riley away who was busy yelling how much we'll regret what just happened

"Are you okay" I held his face and he nodded

"Alexa you don't have to fight for me, I can handle it" he said leading me to our seat with Suzzy following behind

"She knows that. What do you think? We're gonna sit around and let some hoe speak nonsense about you? Hell no" Suzzy intervened

"She's right, I can't sit back and watch someone insult my boyfriend...I love you" he brushed my hair from my face

"I love you too, I'll be back" we could see his boss calling him, probably to ask what the commotion was all about. I hope he doesn't get into trouble

"Are you alright Alex" Suzzy looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine" tears slipped my eyes remembering what Riley had done. Suzzy pulled me into one of her big hugs. I know Daniel won't admit it but he was hurt

"Aww it's alright pumpkin, everything will be fine. I'll punch anyone in the face that dares to hurt you okay" I smiled at her

"Is your hand not hurting you from that punch you threw?" I asked gesturing to her hands

"Nahhh, didn't I tell you? I was a black belt in my past life" I burst out laughing forgetting all my anger due to her jokes




After work, Daniel insisted on walking me home. Suzzy had already left awhile ago leaving us alone.

"Are you angry with me?" I finally broke the long awkward silence that has been going on for 10minutes now

"No, I'm not" he said looking down. I stopped on my tracks, stopping him as well

"Then why are you quiet?" I was used to him sweet talking me and making funny jokes but now he's just quiet

"I couldn't help but think that Riley isn't actually wrong about what she..." I smacked him on his arm

"Are you okay? It's the fever coming back or something?. Riley was so wrong for saying all those things to you. I love and believe in you that one day, you'll finally make it. Look I can't promise to fix all your problems, but I promise I'll always be here for you" I said reassuringly

"What did I do to get blessed with a wonderful girlfriend like you?" I smiled

"I love you very much Danny" he pulled me into a hug grinning from ear to ear

"I'll never get tired of hearing you say that" he whispered

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