Chapter 12

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Today i was actually feeling weird. I get the feeling that people are watching my every moment but when I turn around, there's no one there

Today was public holiday so Alexa decided to come visit me today. I was cleaning up for her.

I went to take out the trash when I saw a shiny black SUV standing slightly opposite my house. The driver was wearing a sunshade looking straight at me.

I don't think anyone in neighborhood could afford a car like that, why am I getting the feeling that I'm being monitored? Perhaps I just getting paranoid

After cleaning my apartment, I sat down waiting for my love to come and which she did, she never seize to amaze me with her gorgeous self

"Hey" I walked over to her, kissing her. I can never get tired of this lips

"What can I offer you" although I didn't have anything, I haven't even eaten in two days but I will make sure to get her what she wants

"What did you have before I came?" The moment she said that my stupid stomach decided to grumble stating how hungry it was


"Um...I'm not hungry" but he's stomach just grumbled

"You know what?, Why don't we just go out? And when we get back, I'll cook for you" he looked a bit hesitant but he agreed anyway

"So where are we going to?" He asked the moment we left the house

"Shopping" I dragged him into the supermarket and started throwing groceries into the basket

"Let me carry that for you" but I didn't allow him to

"It's okay" I continued filling the basket with food items. I payed for everything and we went back to his place

"We should have just drop this at your place instead of carrying them back again" oh he thought I bought these for me

"Actually, I brought them for you. I know you haven't eaten so, I decided I will cook you dinner" sadness etched on his face

"I can take care of myself, I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of our relationship. Your actions just makes me feel worthless and small" he said

"Oh no. Danny I didn't do this to make you feel less than, I love you and won't stand to see you starve. Look I promise I won't do it again but please just this once, let me care for you" his features softened a little

"Just this once" I nodded "thank you so much" I hugged him then got on to preparing a meal for us

*******40 minutes later*******

"Wow, I didn't know you could cook so well" he commented munching on his pasta like a hungry Lion

"Well being alone all my life has taught me a lot of things" he held my hand assuringly

"I promise you'll never be alone anymore" I smiled and continued eating

"Danny before I forget, I noticed a black SUV opposite your apartment and when we went to the supermarket, I also saw that car following us" I reported

"Even I noticed it. I thought maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me. I've been getting the feeling that someone's watching me" that's strange, could it be Riley? I mean she said we were going to regret what happened. Maybe she's trying to get her revenge, I hope not

"Thanks for the meal" I got up to go do the dishes while. Daniel came behind me and hugged me from behind nuzzling his nose in my neck

"You're welcome" he started placing butterfly kisses to my shoulders, neck and collerbone making me hot and bothered

He turned me swiftly and crashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back with all my heart and soul, it got a little intense and turned into a full make out session. Our hands roaming each other's bodies

He lifted me effortlessly and I wrapped legs around his waist as he layed me down on the mat. The desire and longing quite evident from his actions

Ever since he and I started dating, we haven't really gone beyond kissing and casually caressing each other but, lately, Danny has been hinting that he wants more and that's natural. The problem now is that I'm not ready to have sex yet and I know he won't force me beyond my boundaries but still

Suzzy decided to come crash at my house tonight saying her parents would be sleeping at her house so I decided to cut my day with Daniel short.

"Whatsup whatsup, suzzy's in the house" I shook my head at her usual crazy behavior

"Hey Suzzy" I sat down remembering how Danny looked when I stopped him before we could go any further

"Let me guess, you and Daniel had a fight?" She knows me darm too well

"No, well sort of" she went to my fridge to grab some juice

"what happened this time?" She popped down in the chair close to mine

"Well....I..I he wants us to get intimate" I said quickly. Suzzy looked puzzled

"Intimate, as in fuck?" My face turned red

"You don't have to say it so loud" I adjusted on the chair as she chuckled

"I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing, I mean who the hell calls it intimacy this days. The world is changing boo keep up" i glared at her and she finally raised her hands in surrender

"So he wants to be 'intimate', what's wrong with that?" She asked air quoting the word intimate

"I don't know, it's just" she cut me off

"You're not ready?" I looked at my hands and nodded in shame

"It's nothing to be worked up about. I've seen the kid, he truly loves you I'm sure if you tell him how you feel, he'll understand and wait for you" I hope so

"Hey, Daniel is not a kid, he's older than you too"she shrugged

"Doesn't matter, I have an old soul" I laughed

"So how are things between you and Ethan?" She blushed, something might have happened

"Well you know, he may or may not have asked me to be his girlfriend" she blurted out looking at anywhere but me

"Oh my goodness Suzzy I'm so happy for you" I gave her a big hug tackling her on the floor

"Can't.....breathe" I let go of her giggling

"So when's the wedding?" I joked as she got up to chase me


Okay, so who do you guys think is following Daniel around, could it be Riley trying to get her revenge or maybe he's just over thinking stuff?

Don't forget to share your thoughts, and vote

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