Chapter 17

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Hey!! You guys are probably wondering where I have been all this while and the answer is I've been home.

Actually I just graduated few days ago and I've been working full time at the animal shelter. In summary, life was great.

Danny just called informing he'll be spending the night at my house and now I'm freaking out. I ran helterskelter in the apartment cleaning up and making sure it was suitable for him

Well if you're wondering why am all over the place, i mean we've been together for more than seven months now and yes, I'm still giddy around him.

He has never spent the night at my house so, I was feeling nervous. I ran to the bathroom to have a quick shower. After making sure I was clean, I called Suzzy for help

"What's up boo?" I heard shuffling in the background. She's probably arranging her room again

"Danny is coming to spend the night over and I don't know what to do or what to wear" she squealed

"Oh ok calm down, fairy Godmother is here for you. I want you to put on the graduation present I got for you, it'll do." I ran to my closet to get the gift

"Um.... Suzzy?" I hesitated a bit

"Yes?, What's wrong?" I cleared my throat before speaking up

"What if he wants to.... you know" she giggled

"Wants to what?" Ugh, I Know she was teasing me but, I need her help right now

"You know what I mean" she sighed

"Just relax, everything will be fine. You don't have to get yourself all worked up about the whole thing" I guess she's right, maybe he just misses me and wants to sleep over

"And whatever happens, don't be shy, he's your boyfriend for fuck sake" I smiled. There's no way I'll have a conversation without her cussing

"Thanks Suzzy, I love you" she yelled the same and ended the call. I took off my bathrobe and put on the gift Suzzy gave me.

It was a set of White lacy lingerie which looked really sexy. I hope Danny likes it. I put on a my pyjamas over it so it won't look like I'm trying too hard. The truth is, I do want us to get closer but I was afraid of making the first move.

I was busy arranging my bed when the doorbell rang. (Deep breaths) I opened the door and threw my arms around him in a warm hug. He held me tighter for a little while before letting go.

"What's wrong baby?" He just shrugged and led me to the couch. He sat down and placed me on his lap. I reached out to him and held his face closer to mine. I kissed him and he responded slowly but pulled away shortly after.

This was the reason I always hate making the first move. I'm insecure, I just kissed him and he refused. I got off his lap

"I'm sorry if I did something wrong. It seems like you are in a bad mood so, I'll just leave you alone" I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist

"I had an argument with my dad, that's why I'm a bit gloomy. I promise it has nothing to do with you sweetheart" oh! If that's the case then. I wrapped my hands around him and pulled me into his body. He grabbed my thighs and brought it to his other side, making me straddling him on the couch. I blushed at our position, feeling the warmth of his body and the bulge of his dick

"So, what do you want to do?" I looked at him from beneath my lashes and saw him staring at me intently

"I want you" my heart skipped a beat. He wants me? But how? Does he want to make love to me or he wants to just be with me....I couldn't muster the courage to ask about it

"Okay" I gulped agreeing to what he wants. He lifted my chin so I could stare into those beautiful blue eyes of his

"Why are you nervous? I'm not going to bite..........yet" he teased bring his lips to my neck and placing soft butterfly kisses on my collerbone towards my earlobe, sending electric current over my entire body

"Are you going to touch me?" I wanted him and I needed to be sure if we were just playing around right now or if this was the real deal.

"Do you want me to touch you?" He stopped his delirious assault on my neck and looked at me. I gulped hard due to the question he asked, the way he looked at me and the way his gaze made me feel like molten lava.

"" I stuttered. Come Alexa, tell him what you want. I bet if Suzzy was here, she would have called me a chicken

"Do you want me to?" He lifted my chin so I could meet his gaze. I gulped again and looked away before nodding my head.

"Yes" I guess that was all the confirmation he needed before crushing his lips on mine. I gasped due to the collision and he took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

The kiss was slow and sensual at first but got a little heated afterwards. He started roaming his hands on my back, going lower to my butt. He detached our lips only to replace  them on my neck. My eyes rolled back in my head as I felt heat in my middle area causing my heart to thump louder.

He got up from the couch holding me with my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands tightly around his neck, securing me from falling down. He kissed me again and walked towards the bedroom. I wonder how he was able to tell where we were going without slipping.

He dropped me the moment we got to my bedroom and crashed his lips on my mine again. He pulled me closer to his body, with one hand on my face and he other securely wrapped around my waist.

Um warning!!!! The next chapter has contents if smut, just in case you're not okay with it you can skip the chapter.
  Don't forget to vote, comment on the story. Your thoughts and input keeps and encourages me to write more.

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