Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Danny and I became a couple and things are actually going great between us.

I go to school every day, work and sometimes, crash at suzzy's place. Speaking of Suzzy, she and Ethan are hitting it off pretty well but, I still haven't gotten over that feeling that I know him from someone where.

I decided to go to T&K's today to spend some time with Daniel. I got dressed in blue denim jeans ripped at the knees with a white turtleneck long sleeve shirt which I tucked in my jeans. I put on a blue denim crop jacket to match.

I completed my look with white vans. I let my hair down, grabbed my phone, bag and keys and went to the cafe.

I got there but didn't find Daniel at his usual spot. So, o decided to go take a seat, he was probably serving upstairs in the VIP lounge. I was still waiting for him when a guy walked into the cafe. I looked at him intently and realized it was Ethan

He saw me and I waved. He came over to seat beside me

"Hey, what're you doing here?" I smiled. This is the first time we are actually having a conversation when Suzzy is around

"Oh you know, I was supposed to meet a client here" his phone pinged "great, he just messaged me that he won't be able to make it"

"Sorry about that" he furrowed his brows studying my face.

"I don't know but I get this feeling that I know you from someone where but I can't quite figure out where" he said trying to remember

"Really?, Me too. I just can't understand it. It feels like we are connected somehow" I doubt that though, although some of our features are alike but we have different eyes. While I had black eyes as dark as ebony, he had blue-green eyes just like the sea

"Where are you from?" He called a waiter to take our order. Where was Danny anyway

"I wish I knew, I'm an orphan so" his look softened

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry" I pulled a lock of hair behind my ear

"It's okay, I'm over it now" the waiter came with our order and we talked for awhile.

It felt completely natural talking to him, like I had known him all my life and to be honest, With his constant flirting and joking, Ethan was actually a fun guy to be around

"So what are you doing here anyway? Don't tell me you're stalking me" he wiggled his brows at me

"You wish. I'm actually here to see my boyfriend. I've been waiting for awhile now I haven't seen him" where's he anyway

"Well have you tried calling him?" Oh my goodness, how could I have been so dumb

"I forgot" he shook his head while I took out my phone to call him. Ethan got a phone call so he had to leave

"Listen cupcake, I have to go okay. Continue calling your boyfriend and if he doesn't pick, then go to his house but, if he isn't there then you can report a missing person case to the police" I glared at him as he walked off chuckling

I tried calling Danny's cell but his phone was switched off. Could it really be that he's missing? Nahhh, Ethan was just messing with my head

I should go see him but I don't even know where he lives. I'm such a terrible girlfriend. I walked up to one of the staff and pleaded with him to give me Danny's house address.

After excessive pleading and all, he gave me the address. I went to Daniel's house. The neighborhood was quite terrifying, how am I sure that waiter didn't give me any address just to get rid of me

I went to the house which was supposed to be his. I knocked a few times and heard a weak come in. I opened the door and saw Daniel lying on the floor shaking

"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. Danny are you okay? Wait you've got a fever. Okay Alex, don't panic, don't panic" I looked around for some towels, bowl, water, and blanket

I started trying to bring down his temperature. After that I made some hot soup from the little ingredients I found. I fed him and lay beside him to give him some warmth

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I opened my eyes, I saw Daniels panicked face staring at me

"What are you doing here?" Was the first question he asked me


I got really sick this morning so I couldn't get to work. I wanted to call Alexa to ask how she was doing but as usual the light in my neighborhood has been spoilt again by wind

I didn't know how long it was but the fever got worse, I couldn't even move and to top it all the floor which my mat was on was really cold. I felt myself dozing off when someone knocked

I didn't have the strength to look at the person when they came in but, I was actually thankful for the person took care of me and I felt much better. It was probably one of my neighbors

I woke up to see Alexa's beautiful face sleeping beside me. She was truly magnificent, an exceptional beauty. I was admiring her beauty when it clicked in my head

What was she doing here? Was she the one that took care of me? Fuck!! She saw my rathole I call a home. I never wanted her to know where I lived afraid that, she might not want me anymore. I was busy panicking when she woke up

"What are you doing here?" I asked completely embarrassed about my surroundings


"Um...I went to look for you at the cafe but you weren't there and when I came here, I saw you shaking so I took care of you" I got up and reached for him, hugging him tightly

"You shouldn't have come here, I don't want you to see me like this" I pulled away

"See you how? What do you mean" I touched his face but he looked away from my eyes

"To see where I stay, how my life is" I was getting confused, what's he talking about

"What's wrong with that?" He walked away from me

"To see that I'm poor, how wretched I am and then you wouldn't want to be with me anymore" he yelled. So that's it? I can now recall how I've been asking him to show me his house and how he had always came up with excuses

"Is that what this is about? I knew you were poor before we started dating and I didn't care about that neither do I do now. If you weren't feeling sick right now, I would have smacked you hard" wow, being friends with Suzzy is really rubbing off on me. Before I didn't have the guts to speak up

"I have nothing to give you, or make you happy but, yet you still want to be with me?" He asked, his eyes glossy. I walked closer to him and held both his hands

"I don't care if you poor, I love you and I want to be with you...... You complete me" and this was true. I have never felt this way for anyone before......I truly loved him

"Do you really mean that?" Tears slipped his eyes. I tip toed and kissed him clearing all his doubt.

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