Chapter 25

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I woke up to someone placing butterfly kisses on my shoulders. I turned around on the bed only to have Daniel smack his lips on mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer.

We were having a lip lock battle when I realized I haven't brushed my teeth. I immediately pulled away, got off the bed and ran into the bathroom leaving him befuddled. I quickly started brushing my teeth when he came into the bathroom

"You came into the bathroom for that?" He arched his brows

"I wanted my mouth to be fresh when you kiss me" he chuckled then came up from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist

"You left me hanging last night" he buried him head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so sorry Danny, I didn't even know when I fell asleep. I was so exhausted, please forgive me" he looked at me through the mirror

"Hey relax, it's okay" he started kissing my shoulders slowly, earning a low moan from me. I quickly spit out the content in my mouth and washed it before turning around to wrap my arms around his neck and kissing him.

He groaned the moment our lips connected making my tummy do its usual somersault as his hands started roaming around my body. I gasped when he turned me swiftly, with my back facing his front.

He placed both my hands around his neck as he buried his neck on my shoulder sucking my earlobe. His hands went further to remove my top leaving my upper body bare for his view

"You're so beautiful love" he whispered huskily as his manly hands grabbed both of my breasts. I gasped at the contact of our skin. He continued massaging and pressing slowly making me a hot panting mess

"Please" I begged him to do anything to free me from this delirious torture instead, his thumb gripped my nipples and started playing with them. Doesn't he understand that I can't take this much pleasure right now? I stumped on his foot causing him to chuckle.

He carried me towards our bedroom and placed me down gently on the bed before his hot mouth captured one of nipples, making me grip his hair as I moaned repeatedly. He continued sucking and biting on my breasts probably leaving hickeys as well. The kiss was getting more heated when mother barged into the room

"Oh dear" she quickly went back outside. I quickly him away, my entire face burned with embarrasment. I quickly ran to put on my blouse

"Why didn't you lock the door" I  whisper yelled at him

"It's not my fault, your boobs are so distracting" I quickly put on my top and went out of the room after making sure I looked decent enough.

"I'm so sorry dear, I should have knocked" mom said. I looked away in embarrasment as my cheeks flushed

"It's okay. What can I help you with mom?" She smiled

"Oh i just came to call you both for breakfast. I have prepared everything myself" here I was romancing with Daniel when I should have been helping her in the kitchen

"I'm sorry I didn't come help you. Please give me a second to change so I could come help you set the table" she thanked me before going away

"What too you so long" Danny said the moment I entered our room

"I'm going to help mom set the table" his eyes grew wide like saucers

"What?? You can't just leave me here like this" he got up from the bed with a tent formed in his pants

"Oh!!" I stated in realization staring at his gorgeous body and that thing of his standing proudly in his pants

"Let's skip breakfast, they'll understand" he stalked closer to me

"Later, I promise" his face fell as he raised up his hands in surrender

"Whatever" he walked away into the bathroom. I do want him, but I don't want to leave a bad impression on his mother that I was a bad daughter-in-law. I sighed and quickly changed thinking about how I'll make it up to him later.

I helped mom set up the whole dinner table and by the time we were done, everyone was already sitted.

"Good morning father" I went over to help him sit

"Good morning Alexandra dear. I hope you had a pleasant night" my eyes immediately went over to Daniel who was busy eating without even looking at me or asking if I've had any

"Yes father" I served him his food and the others before going to sit beside Daniel

"She's such a lovely young girl Anthonio" mom said to dad which he agreed to

"Would you want more rice?" I asked Danny and he shook his head. I guess he was extremely upset

I didn't know what else to do so I placed my hand on his thigh. His body tensed a bit but he still didn't look at me. I kept my hand there through out breakfast. When we were done, I tried going after him but, mom called me so we could have a little chat.

I guess I'll have to make up with him later. We talked for a while, she told me stories about her and dad when they were younger. Her stories were quite interesting but my heart wasn't in the conversation, I wanted to be with Daniel but I couldn't leave mom, it'll be disrespectful.

We continued talking for awhile till she got a phone call and left me. Hallelujah, I used that opportunity to go to my room to see him working on his computer, a frown etched on his face

"Danny" he looked up for a second but got back to work "I'm sorry" I pleaded

"I'm not upset with you Alexa" ouch!

"So it's Alexa again, not baby, sweetheart, or my love?" He sighed, then rested his back on his seat. He motioned for me to come closer which I did

"I can never be mad at you, wanting to be a good daughter-in-law is not a bad thing. In fact, I admire you for that. It's just that sometimes, I want to spend quality time with my wife too you know" I totally understand

"I Know, we can do anything you want right now. I promise I won't run away this time" he chuckled

"How about we watch a movie together? I'd really like that" I pecked his cheek

"I'm all yours" he carried me to the bed and went to grab some popcorn downstairs. By the time he got back, I had already picked out movies we could watch on Netflix. We bundled up together and watched movies together. There, this is exactly where my heart wanted to be


Hi everyone, I hope you are enjoying the story. How many of you think that Delilah (Mrs Clemonte) Is kind of getting in the way of Daniel and Alexa spending quality time together

Comment so I could know your thoughts. Also, please don't forget to vote and share this story with your friends. Love you all. ❤️💓💕💖💗💘💞

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