Chapter 19

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After Danny left, I decided to take a long shower, his real birthday would be coming up in a few weeks time and I was excited about it.

Suzzy and I would be having a sleepover at her house so I got my things ready for tonight. I was still packing when my doorbell rang. I wonder who would visit me so early, I went to answer the door and saw Ethan standing at my doorstep. That's odd

"Hi Ethan" I ushered him inside "I'm sorry to bother you this early in the morning but I have something important to discuss with you" I hope suzzy's alright

"Is everything ok? Hope Suzzy is fine." He took a seat before speaking up

"From the very first day I saw you, I got this connection that we are linked....." Wait is this what I think it is? I stopped him before he could complete his fucking statement

"Woah woah woah, Ethan, how could you say such a thing to me? Suzzy is my best friend and I'll never betray her like this. You're like an older brother to me and I'll never think of you in that way...."

"No no Alex, that's not what I meant. I'm not talking about a romantic feeling or connection" phew!!!, that was close. When he talked about connection and links, I got worried thinking maybe he was about to say he's a wolf and I'm his Luna or something. Too much Wattpad stories have messed with my head a little, I'm glad he isn't going to confess an undying love for me.

"So..... If this isn't a love confection, what are you talking about?" He walked closer to me

"Do you remember the first time we were introduced, I had this feeling I had seen you somewhere and judging from your reaction, I believe you felt it too" what has that got to do with this

"Yeah so?" He held my hand in his

"That's because I'm your older brother" say what now


My mouth fell open, how could he be my brother, I'm an orphan with no family. But, it is true that every child comes from a family right? Could it be true? Nahhhh. I burst into laughter, clenching my stomach from lack of oxygen

"Look Ethan, is this another one of your jokes? Because it's good, really cracked me up buddy" I said in between laughter but stopped when I saw the seriousness in his face "you're not kidding?" I asked dumbfounded

"Of course not, why would I joke with such a thing as serious as this?" I lost my balance but Ethan caught me before reaching the floor. Hot tears streamed down my eyes as I replay what he said in my head

"B...ut how? I'm an orphan" I croaked out. He took me to the chair and sat me down while he knelt down close to me

"Well after our first meeting, I went and did a little research on you since I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were connected somehow. I could finally gather the truth. Before my family members died twenty-one years ago, I had a baby sister that was barely a year old. I was 7 at the time, and I was with our grandparents. I loved them so much so, I spent most of my holidays with them and this time around, mom and dad decided to come spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa before taking you and I back to the City" he paused for a while. How come I get the feeling that he's about to say something terrible. "It was pouring heavily the night they were coming, with you in mom's arms. it was hard for dad to drive in the weather and then the worst happened, the brake failed and dad lost control. They had an accident which caused them their lives. Somehow before the crash, mom had managed to put you in a carrier and threw you out of the car before it exploded. Grandma and Grandpa were devastated when they heard what happened, I on the other hand, almost died hearing that my little sister and parents had died in an accident" by now tears were already running down our faces

"How are you sure I'm the baby your threw out" I whispered but loud enough for him to hear

"We didn't know about what mom did so we concluded that you all were gone until, I saw you. You are an exact replica of our late mother but I needed to be sure first, then I went to the orphanage you grew up and I was told that a stranger found you in a carrier around the area where the accident happened. That's when I knew for sure that you are my baby sister" I could not believe my ears, why is all this happening to me. Now that I finally found out about my family, it still turns out that I'm still an orphan. Here I was thinking my parents didn't love or care for me which is why they gave me up. I could not say anything as I wailed loudly but Ethan pulled me closer and hugged me, comforting me and telling me that I wasn't alone

"I am sorry I didn't find you sooner, but I promise I'll always be here for you. I will never let anything bad happen to you again, I'll protect you with my life" I cried harder as I wrapped my hands around his neck




After the big revelation about my true identity, I called Suzzy to tell her I wasn't feeling well. Knowing my best friend very well, I knew she would come over and according to my prediction, she came.

I ran into her hands and sobbed before telling her everything Ethan had told me. She hugged me tighter before pulling away to ask me something

"I'm so happy that you finally found your family and know who you are and I hope you're okay with your brother and I seeing each other" I cracked a smile before taking a tissue to blow my nose

"Of course silly, I wouldn't want anyone else for him" she hugged me again and just in time, Ethan walked in with a bag full of snacks

"Hey" Suzzy said as she got up to kiss him. "I brought you girls some chips, burgers, ice cream, chocolate etcetera just to have fun" he said after pulling away from Suzzy. I rushed immediately to the bags and started helping myself

"I'll see you later" he said to us and kissed Suzzy goodbye before going.

"It isn't night yet what are we going to do?" I asked Suzzy with a mouthful of burger

"Well we can have a play over since we are having sleepover in the night. Let's do whatever you want" I giggled as we danced, ate and played completely forgetting all our problems till the doorbell rang

I went over to the door only to see the last person on Earth I would have guess will come visit was Samurai

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