Chapter 13

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Finally exams are over, it's been one hectic month, who would have thought that my life would change over a short period of time.

I now had a boyfriend, a best friend who was practically my sister from another mother, and to top it up, I no longer have problems solving physics

"So Ethan how was your trip?" We were hanging out at T&K's but sadly, Daniel wasn't around

He had to travel somewhere, I didn't really understand. All he told me was he'll explain when he gets back

"Twas good, I'm about to make a new discovery" he said eating his burger

"Babe, what kind of discovery?" Suzzy asked with a mouthful of food. Ethan just stared at me

"I'm not quite sure yet but, I'll get to the bottom of this" the way he was looking at me made me feel weird

"Alex why isn't Daniel here anyway?" Suzzy asked me

"I don't know suzzy, he's been gone for weeks now and the last thing he told me was that he'll explain when he gets back. I try calling him at times but to no avail"

"I'm sure he's fine Alex, maybe he's busy" Ethan said reassuringly.

After my exams, all I did now was go to work but, I couldn't help but feel my life is boring again. Without Daniel, I feel so empty and void.

I just hope he is alright and that he returns to me soon, I really miss him so much.




"Hey Alex, where's that penniless boyfriend of yours" Riley asked me. I came to the cafe to have some quiet time but Riley choose to ruin my mood again

"How is that any of your concern Riley? Just fuck off ok" I wasn't in the mood tonight

I payed my bills and walked home. The weather was cold so i hurried home only to see a sleek black Lamborghini in front of my house.

Who's car is this? and why is it parked in front of my house?. I went closer to inspect the car and the door opened.

I froze the moment I saw Daniel stepping out of the vehicle. He looked gorgeous, not only that, the air around him changed.

I ran over to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him tighter.

"Where have you been?, I tried calling you but your number wasn't going through, who's car is this?, and why do you look different?" He just looked at me without saying anything

"I'll explain everything to you, let's go somewhere." He ushered me towards the car

"Who's car is this?" He sighed "just get in, I'll explain" I got into the car and sat quietly.

J watched as his manly hands worked the steering wheel, I didn't even know he could drive. Oh how I've missed him so much, I do hope he hasn't gotten himself into some kind of trouble.

We arrived at that garden he had taken me to one time. We sat on top of the car. I didn't bother saying anything, giving him enough time to explain things.

"I know you've been wondering where I have been this past few weeks and the answer to that question is that, I have found my family" my mouth hung open

"Really? How come? I thought you said you were left at the orphanage, and you don't remember your father" I finally asked after regaining my sense of reasoning

"You remember weeks ago, you and I noticed that black vehicle following me and I also told you I felt like I was being watched?" I nodded my head remembering the vehicle

"Well it turns out that my father sent those men to search for me. After you left that night, they came and took me to his house. That's where I have been this couple of weeks" here I was thinking that Riley had kidnapped him

"So what happened during the period you were there?" He looked at me before speaking

"Well, it turns out that my father is one of the wealthiest men in New York. He has businesses in many countries across the globe. He has been having heart conditions which is why he asked his men to come look for me" so this mean his rich?

"But how does this affect you?" I know he's his father's ill but, why after so long are they looking for him

"My mom didn't exactly marry my father. She was his mistress and when his family found out about us, they threatened my mom which is why she gave me up. I'm the only son my father has, I have two step sisters and a stepmother. As his only son, he wants me to take over his company." Wow life is so unpredictable

"What about your mom?, Where is she?" His eyes looked turned teary

"No one knows where she is. My father said she's been missing for the past twenty-one years now"

"I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you find her soon" he smiled

"I missed you" I leaned into his touch

"I missed you more. I thought something bad had happened to you" he pulled me closer into a warm hug

"So what happens now? Are you going back to your family after here?" He pulled away

"Yes, I have no choice. I have to be there for my dad and help him run his company" what's going to happen to us

"Um... okay. I guess this is goodbye" he chuckled

"What are you talking about?, Why are you saying goodbye to me? It's not like am dying or anything." I looked at him puzzled

"Now that you've found your family, would you still want to be with me?" He thought about my question for a second before answering

"That isn't even a question. I love you and nothing can ever come between the two of us." My heart fluttered

"I love you too Danny." He smiled

"I'll come see you tomorrow at your house. We'll talk more about this, and I would want you to meet my family" I nodded

"Are you sure you want me to meet your family?"

"Of course, you're my girlfriend after all" I hugged him again

I hope his family accepts me and that things don't change between us. I don't know if I'll be able to handle not being with Daniel

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