Chapter 36

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I was too late, I couldn't save her. I couldn't stop Max's wicked deeds. Turns out that Samurai only distracted my attention from Alexa so that Max could have his way with my wife.

I swear if I get my hands on them, I'll make them regret what they have done to my Alexa. It was all my fault, he forced himself on her due to my negligence, I also let him escape. I'm just a worthless husband.

I guess Alexa heard in her unconsciousness because she started having panic attacks, making the doctors to sedate her. I caused this upon her, if only I didn't find out I was a Clemonte, all this wouldn't have happened. Samurai wouldn't have met Alexa.

I sighed as I wiped away the tears that spilled from my eyes. I held her hand in mine while resting my head on the bed. I had already started feeling sleepy when her fingers moved.

I looked up immediately and saw her fluttering her eyes. I was by her side immediately as she held my hand tightly.


I woke up and felt someone's weight on my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Daniel holding my hands. He rushed immediately to my side

"Danny" I cried out in pain as Danny held me close whispering assuring words to me.

We were in that position when Suzzy, mom, Anna, Roman, suzzy and Ethan came in. Ethan and Suzzy immediately rushed to my side hugging me as I cried bitterly.

Everyone's pity was making me more sad so the doctor advised everyone to Leave but I asked Daniel to stay back. I needed him more than ever now.

He got on the bed and lay on the bed close to me. I layed my head on his chest as I sobbed softly

"It's okay baby, you're going to fine. I'll make sure you get better okay" I let out a long sigh

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I should have stayed away from him when you told me to. I'm so sorry" he held my face so I could look into his eyes

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I should have let the police handle the situation, I'm so sorry for this" tears slipped down his face and I wiped his face.

I hugged him tightly before laying down on his chest and finally falling asleep. I don't know how long I slept but I heard Daniel talking to the doctor while stroking my hair as my eyes fluttered open

"We will be discharging her today sir" the doctor said

"You hear that baby? We'll be going home soon" he said softly to me and I nodded


We arrived home a little late in the evening, Ethan and everyone else had stayed over, wanting to keep me company. Although they allowed me to go rest

The moment I got into our room, I went straight to the bathroom. Flashes of what happened appeared in my head and I got under the shower.

I took off my clothes and started scrubbing my body vigorously, trying to get his hands and stench off me. I tried so hard but couldn't get off the smell, I felt so dirty.

I didn't know I had been scrubbing too hard and crying loudly till Daniel ran into the bathroom took the sponge from me. Without looking at him, I pushed him away

"Make it stop, please make it stop" Danny came up to me and hugged me tightly

"It's me, hey look at me" I finally looked at him and calmed down. He pulled me in for a hug as I continued crying on his chest.

"I... (hiccup) feel...(hiccup) his....(hiccup) hands on......(hiccup) me, please make it stop" I cried bitterly

"Look at me" I looked at him "I'll make the pain go away I promise" I nodded my head as we stood up from the bathroom floor. He took off his clothes and started washing my body as I sobbed softly.

After bathing me, he wrapped me with the bath robe and carried me to our bedroom. I layed gently on the bed, waiting for him to lie beside me but what he did next was shocking.

He carried sheets from the cupboard and helped himself to the couch. I didn't put much meaning to it, thinking he probably wanted to give me some space.



The week went by slowly with Danny being a bit distant. He wouldn't lie next to me, look at me or even touch me. I think maybe it's because of the stress of looking for Max and Samurai's whereabouts.

"Hey" I placed my hand on his shoulder as he typed furiously on his computer

"I'm working right now, I'll meet you in the bedroom" he said coldly

"You have been saying that for awhile now but you never come to the bedroom. You don't even sleep in the same bed as me" I complained

"Alexa....." He drawled

"Suddenly I'm Alexa, not baby, not sweetheart any more?" I asked as tears slipped my eyes "just admit that you're tired and disgusted of me, just admit it" I yelled

"Stop it Alexa, I don't know what you're talking about" he hit his hand on the table, getting up angrily

"I...I'm sorry" I muttered quickly as I ran away to my room

"Alexa wait...." I heard him calling out for me. I layed on my bed and started crying. He came shortly after lying beside me

"Look, I'm sorry....." He started but I got up holding my hand

"Please let me be, you already made it clear you want nothing to do with your abused wife. Please leave me alone" I got to leave the room but he stopped me

"Baby I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed lately" he tried explaining

"So stressed that you won't even share a bed with me. Forget sharing a bed, my husband won't even talk to me" I complained

"I'm so sorry love, please forgive me" I got up and left the room


Sorry for late update. Hopefully, you are enjoying the story so far. Please don't forget to share your comments, vote and share with friends.

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