When Light Is Needed Most

Start from the beginning

Fed up with Weiss' posh and rich glee behavior, he takes an exaggerated girly attitude making a mocked version of her current excitement, speaking in a mocking girly tone and waving around like a girly idiot, "Oh, look at me. I'm pretty little Weiss. And I am the most important person here in Vale, everyone put the spotlights to me."

Weiss shot him a look while everyone else helplessly snickered. "How dare you!" she snapped.

"But that's how you sound like." Sybarin grinned.

Weiss stammers, "I- I do not!"

Everyone else opposed at the same time, "Yes you do."

Weiss was at a loss and just turns away.

The group proceed walking when Ruby turns to the road turning left and sees a crime scene. She breathes in surprise, "Whoa."

Everyone turns to her and turns to where she was looking at, seeing the crime scene as well. Exchanging looks they follow Ruby to the Dust shop with police tape placed on the broken windows and door in an excessive effort, two police detectives stand and investigate the area recapping on what they have gathered.

Ruby nears the police tape to mark the space of the scene and asks either of the detectives, "What happened here?"

The one who replied had a stubble on his face and wore really dark tinted sunglasses, "Robbery, second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle." he walked away to inspect one of the broken windows.

Yang scoughs, "That's terrible."

"They left all the money again!" The other detective with a skinnier build frowned out with a slang accent that Sybarin didn't clearly understand what he said.

"Nah, it doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?" the stubbed detective asked.

His partner shrugged, "I dunno, ya na wha a mean."

"You thinking it's the... White Fang?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough." he frowned, and walks out of the scene following his partner.

Weiss folded her arms in disgust, "Hmph, the White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates."

Everyone looks at her in surprise at her strong statement, and Blake asks before Sybarin could, "What's your problem?"

"My problem?" Weiss says, turning to Blake, "I simply don't care for the criminally insane."

"That's a really harsh way to speak about a group of insurgent Faunas." Sybarin said, uncomfortable with her strong choice of words.

"Sybarin is right. The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths, they're a collection of misguided Faunas." Blake defended.

Sybarin turns to her in surprise of what she described the White Fang as.

"Misguided!?" Weiss exclaims in confusion, and states arguably, "They want to wipe off humanity off the face of the planet."

"So then they're very misguided." Blake argues, and turns back to the scene, "Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of Downtown Vale."

Ruby contemplates on what Blake said, "Hmm... Blake's got a point." she agrees, and added, "Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago... maybe it was him?"

Sybarin tries to piece together the issue in his mind when Weiss continued on her arrogant march of words with an arrogant tone, "That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum." she unfolded her arms and looked to the group, "Those Faunas only know how to lie, cheat and steal."

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