"Hello to you too." He grumbles while rubbing his eyes.

"I've been trying to contact you, you know."

"Yeah well, I was busy." He says.

You scoff, "Busy my ass. I called Jimin earlier and he told me you were with them all day."

Jungkook sighs, well there was no use of lying. "Where are you?" He asks, changing the subject. "I'm walking through the park to get home. Why?" You ask puzzled.

Jungkook looks to his left and right to see if you were nearby. He shrugs and leans back. "Just wondering." He says simply. You didn't say anything on the other line.

"Did you have fun with Taehyung?" Jungkook asks bitterly. You pondered at his tone but push it aside. "I guess." You say with a sheepish laugh.

"What does that mean?" He demands. He looks around and spots a small figure walking under the light given off by the lampposts. He squints his eyes and sees that it was a woman talking on the phone.

You shrug, "It just wasn't what I was--!?" The line went dead for Jungkook hung up.

You look at your phone in annoyance, "The audacity of him to hang up on me!" You shout in anger. "I was talking to you, idiot!" You yell at your phone.

"And I'm listening."

You jump in surprise and look up to see that you stopped by a bench. Jungkook sat there while looking at you blankly. You stare at him in puzzlement. You look behind you then back at Jungkook. "How did you--" "I was here the whole time," Jungkook informs.

You glare at him and sat down right next to him. "Doesn't give you the right to hang up on me." You grumble.

Jungkook rolls his eyes with a small smile. "What were you saying earlier?"

You cross your arms, "Before you rudely hung up on me I was saying that when I hung out with Taehyung it wasn't what I was expecting."

Jungkook quirks up a brow, "What do you mean?" You stare at him contemplating if you should tell him. You frowned slightly wondering if he would flip out like last time.

He smiles awkwardly, "What?"

"If I tell you then you can't get upset like last time, alright?" You say cautiously. He looks at you in questioning but also feeling a bit insulted. "I wasn't upset at that time!"

"Yes, you were!" You exclaimed.

"No, I wasn't!"

You sigh with the shake of your head, "Don't you remember?"

Four Years Ago

"Hey, you're lying, right? Taehyung please tell me you're lying." You sniffed with tears rolling down your cheeks. Your body was shaking violently with your chest tightening.

You watched your boyfriend look down at you with nothing but coldness in his eyes. You felt small under his gaze and couldn't help but cry more.

"Get a grip will you, Jisun? God, it's like I'm dating a middle schooler." He snaps. "This is one of the reasons why I cheated on you."

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