XX. Shame

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[Recap on Sparkling]

How does somebody help someone, who saved them from death no less, when all was hopeless?

🌟~· Sparkling ·~🌟

   "Are there any other choices?" Yoongi asks, trying to see if there were more options. He couldn't just let Jimin drop his will to live.

   "None that I know of. Sorry, guys," Joon shakes his head.

   Yoongi takes a moment before getting Jimin to stand up, and taking him to the bathroom. Namjoon just watched with minimal interest, as did Seokjin and Hoseok. They seemed concerned but if Namjoon didn't stop them then it must be fine, right?

   Jimin remembers the way down to the bathroom. The scene months prior keeps coming to mind, but he has to remind himself: this is not the same Yoongi that helped me. This is a different Min Yoongi.

   And while yes, that is true, but this is also a Yoongi who's kissed and been kissed by Jimin. Granted, it's only been twice.

   This isn't the same.

   Yoongi flicks the lights on, the light wavering as if tired of performing its purpose. Entering it a little more, he gives Jimin the space he needs before he closes the door, locking themselves in.

   "What do you think?"

   Jimin didn't know what to think. He just knew he couldn't leave this world after getting so used to it. The food, the people, the places he's been. They were all so important to him. He just had to make it work.

   "I don't want to go."

   And Yoongi agreed with him. He didn't want this guy to go. He didn't know why. But he had a feeling he should just go with it.

   "I don't want you to go either."

   They stared at each other, not used to just being silently aware of the other. Yoongi lifted his hand up and almost cusped the smaller's cheek when Jimin grabbed his hand. It said a lot of things to both of them. But they wouldn't be said out loud.

   Like time had been frozen, it slowly thawed as they realized they had to make a decision. They both knew what it was but they'd have to explain it to Namjoon. And that was sure going to be rough in itself.

   So, after several minutes of talking they started to make their way back into the living room when Yoongi's head started to pound, like thousands of hammers trying to dent his skull. He gripped his head, trying to relieve it someway.


   He hears voices start up, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to stay focused and more importantly conscious.

   He tripped on his own slowing legs, and was caught by more than two arms. Lightheaded, he couldn't focus too much or the intense migraine would pound in a way that would hurt even worse. He couldn't see the two people panicking over him. He could only see the darkness that was overcoming his senses.

   "Stay with us, Yoongi."

   Who is that speaking, he tried to recall. Yoongi panics as he tries to remember who he was with, faces, blurry as fog, were popping in his mind without names.


   He tried to see, tried to focus on the angelic face over his. Tried to say their name, tried to find their name. Anything. He couldn't remember for shit.

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