Chapter 157: Carnage In Red Spiral, Deep Connection

Start from the beginning

Reaching her arms forward, Sayomi was ready to grab the Makasha's cheek until he suddenly vanishes from existence. Seating there still, Sayomi's eyes widen in disbelief as her arms begin to shake. She stands up and looks around to find the boy. "Nawin!" Sayomi calls out and receives no reply. 'You lost him,' a haunting voice of herself whisper from behind, and the Dracul turns around to see emptiness. She starts panting as her heart rate quickens to a frantic degree. Sweat starts dripping down her forehead. "NAWIN!" Sayomi shouts one more with so much force that the entire world turns white.

"Sayomi!" Snapping her eyes open, the Pureblood finds herself on the bed and gasp when seeing Nawin below her. His wide eyes stare back at her while her left hand is bound around his neck. Her right hand rests near his head with the sharp nails just inches away from the forehead. Sayomi's feels her heart quickens, and it only further increases when the realization that she could have just killed Nawin don on her mind.

"N-Nawin," Sayomi whispers in shaken tone as she releases her grip on the Makasha's neck to allow him to breathe freely. Nawin quickly gulps down air to fill his lungs while still keeping eye contact with the Pureblood. Next, Sayomi hops off the bed and lands at the end of it. Without a word uttered, the Pureblood storm to the bathroom and slams the door shut. Nawin sits up and stares at the door with a perplex expression.

Time Skip

With what had transpired this morning, Nawin decided to take upon himself to handle their breakfast part. Considering the Motel don't offer any kind of room service. He heads to a market street near the Motel to pick up meals from the variety of small restaurant littering the street. The choice was rather overwhelming as there were easily over dozens of restaurants and food trucks to pick from. But, after a good half an hour, Nawin was able to get a decent amount of dish for two people.

Managing out of the bustling market, Nawin switch to a small and quiet street to head back to the Motel. A couple of plastic bags is carried on his left hand. While passing by a few bystanders, Nawin blinks when noticing a group of five men dressed in casual clothes is taking a smoke in front of a closed store. Huddling up close and chattering quietly. Seeing this, the Makasha simply steer away from them by moving off the pavement and walking on the side of the road.

As Nawin walks by the group, one of the men suddenly snatch him by the shoulder, and before Nawin could counter, a fist comes from another individual and hits him on the side of the head that knocks him to the ground. "So, you are Nawin Makasha?" one of them sneers out and glares at the teenager. Nawin looks up and can just tell by that killer look in the men's' eyes that they are part of the Jaakuna Shi.

"Disguise, huh?" Nawin gives a smirk which has one of the men, in rage, fires a kick for the head, but it misses when the Makasha backflips and push himself to his feet. Setting the bags on a bench, Nawin takes a step forward and wears a sharp expression. Two men launch ahead with their fists raised. Getting to his stance, Nawin is surprised when the two suddenly split to the sides, and another individual from behind them rush forward as a surprise, jumping to the air while bringing a steel pipe down. Nawin brings both arms up and crosses it to block the strike between the gap.

"You guys aren't just mindless brawlers, aye?" Nawin retort and push the man back then sends forward a right kick that connects to the stomach which sends the criminal blasting away in midair. The two attackers rush forward and strike with their fists. Nawin sidesteps the attack from the left then ducks to miss the other strike. He retaliates by standing up and swinging an uppercut that connects to the man on the right, hitting his chin with such force it sends him to the air before crashing to the ground, knocked out. The other attacker quickly acts and deliver a roundhouse kick, but Nawin catches his leg and pulls him forward to give a brutal downward punch to the face. The criminal's entire body bangs to the ground and lays unmoved.

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