"Do kids nowdays really don't know how to respect us seniors!?"

Luke snorted at that, spitting out blood and mumbled loud enough "Senior my ass." and that only made him to receive another blow on the face. He fell on the floor, getting punches and kicks endlessly.

I screamed and was so ready to push everyone out of my way until a hand out of nowhere pulled me back by the arm and stopped me. I hissed at the person, wanting to yank my hand away when I realised that it was Taehyung who stopped me.

"Scarl! What do you think you're doing!? Stay here!" With that being said, Taehyung attempted to help Luke but before he could even push himself pass everyone, a familiar guy came and pushed the guy away from Luke.

"Bro, what the hell!" it was then that I realised the one kicking, punching and towering over Luke just now was the same pervert who called me 'baby doll' before. My eyes then darted on the one who just saved my brother and his hazel eyes fell on my green ones. His eyes widened when he saw me and for a second, I saw a look of regret pooling his eyes but moment later, they went hardened when he noticed Taehyung was nearing him.

Knowing well how bad this could turn out, and added in the fact that they just fought yesterday, I stepped forward and grabbed Taehyung's hand to stop him from starting the fight with Jungkook. Other than that, most of Jungkook's teammates were there so I knew Taehyung wouldn't stand a chance against them.

Taehyung faced me and I shook my head. He heaved a big sigh and nodded his head. Thankfully. I'd really like to have Taehyung giving those guy a hard punch in the face but the thought of him getting himself in trouble for me again after yesterday, just a big no. I walked pass Taehyung and the sight of Luke on the floor with bleeding lips and black eyes really pissed me off. Seeing as how most of the guys attacking Luke were from Jungkook's football teams, made me even more fuming with anger.

And right at that moment I realised,
'fudge him!'

I turned on my heels and faced Jungkook. Jungkook had his forehead furrowed probably confused as to why I was heading towards him. When he was under my reach, I didn't think further to bring my hand back and give him a hard slap accross the face. The sound echoes through the hallway with people gasping in pure shock to witness the Greek god quarterback just got a slap in the face from an unknown blondie. Taehyung's eyes widened as well probably didn't expect me to do this when I was the one who stopped him just now.

I was glaring into Jungkook's eyes and was expecting him to go all hulk on me but instead, he looked sideway, titling his head while holding his jaw and faced me again. His friends tried to step forward but he signed them to stop and looked at me. I saw how his eyes had darkened and the corner of his lips tugged into a smirk as he said, sarcastically "Oh wow, was that how people show their gratitude nowdays?"

With my fingers tightly bundled into a fist, I told. "Stay away from my brother!"

Jungkook took a few step toward me and I stayed root on the ground, daring him. He then was about to say something when Taehyung came to my side and casually wrapped his palm around my wrist, tugging me towards him and away from the beast. "Come like that again and I won't hold myself back anymore." Taehyung growled.

Jungkook eyes ran down to my fisted fingers for a split second before they went back to the glaring eyes of Taehyung. With a snort he added, "It break my heart that I have a game this weekend. I had really like to see you trying, bud."

"Me, trying?" it was Taehyung's turn to snort, "You dipshit bringing all your guys along to mess with a junior have proven how much of a coward you are."

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