"Let's go inside, I'll show you where you'll be staying, and I'll introduce you to my daughter, Y/N."

When Mr. Y/L/N said that, I started to get nervous, and my cheeks started to burn. My members looked at me teasingly. I just rolled my eyes at them playfully. We followed Sajangnim, and the other entertainment owner, who's talking to one another, while walking inside his own mansion.

"Welcome to Casa de Y/L/N." Mr. Y/L/N said. Opening his arms, and looking at us. We looked inside with awe. Our mouths slightly agape because of the expensive things inside. The extravagant chandelier that's hanging in the ceiling, erupting the whole room with it's light. The comfortable, yet expensive black sofa that is placed in the middle of the living room. The white walls, wide caramel carpet, the spiral stairs, the marbled floor. Everything looks so elegant, and aesthetic.

"Make yourselves at home. I'm just going to call my daughter upstairs to inform her that you all are already here." He said, smiling while going up the stairs to I assume, her daughter's room; Y/N's room. Sajangnim told us to sit down the sofa. We waited a couple of minutes for Y/N, and her dad to go down.

"Girls, meet my one and only gorgeous daughter. Y/N Y/L/N." He announced while going down the stairs, Y/N behind following. When they finally made it to us, we stood up, and bowed down at them.

"N-no. Don't do that please. I feel shy. Just please sit down." Y/N said. Her angelic, yet shy voice ringing in my ears. All of us giggled at her. She just smiled at us with rosy cheeks, showing her dimples, and pearly whites.

"Ah. It's nice to meet you again, Mr. Yang." She greeted our boss bowing, while shaking his hand.

Our boss smiled, and said; "It's nice to see you again, Ms. Y/N."

She just smiled. "Hi there, girls." She greeted us. Waving like a little kid. Ugh! Such a cutie! We greeted her back, smiling at her also.

"Girls, introduce yourselves." Sajangnim instructed.

"Sajangnim, we're just going to do that later, since we're going to introduce ourselves to each other." Y/N cutted in.

"Is that so? Well then, okay. Y/N, baby please accompany the girls especially your crush, Ms. Jennie Kim." Her dad teased. The three cheered, teasing me.

Y/N blushed, and said; "Gosh dad. Why you gonna do that infront of them?" She whined cutely. We just laughed at her reaction. I'm just laughing, but on the inside I was about to explode. Damn, does she really like me the way I like her?

"Don't worry Y/N unnie. Jennie unnie likes you too." Lisa revealed like it's the most obvious thing in the world, making me gasp, and slap her arm.

"Yah! Lalisa! Stoppp!" I said, pouting. Causing all of them to laugh at me.

"We're going to go now, baby." Her dad announced, hugging his daughter, and kissing her temples. Y/N smiled, and hugged back her father. Her dad, and our boss finally went outside their mansion, riding their limo. My eyes went back to Y/N to see her still looking at her dad, probably making sure he is safe. I took this time to look at what she's wearing. She was wearing a white t-shirt that's tucked in her baby blue trouser, that was overlapped by a baby blue blazer, and finishing with a white low cut converse. Her hair flowed down pass her shoulder. Well then, yes. I'm very gay.

She looked at us, and said; "Girls, please sit down for a minute. I'm going to get some drinks. What would you like?" She asked, putting her iPhone 11 Pro Max down in the small glass table infront of us.

"Can I please have orange juice?" Rosé said. She nodded. "Definitely."

"Can I have water?" Lisa said. She nodded again. "Of course."

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