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"Finish line"

"Finish line"

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"Back off, I dont need your help!" Mio yelled as Sakura tried to examine her wounds.

This had been going on for while. Finally the pinkette had given up. "Fine, but it's not my fault if you die".

Mio nodded, closing her eyes, "I'm not going to die- let's go".

Her squad had spent about a days worth of time recuperating. Even if that wasn't enough time to heal, they couldn't sacrifice anymore.

Sasuke, looked ghostly pale and equally tired. That fight had really worn him down. Atleast the blonde knucklehead, Naruto was awake again.

Team seven started their journey to the exams end point. With both heaven and earth scrolls all they needed was to make it back both on time and alive.

"Hey" Mio spoke irritated, "we've passed this tree like five times now" she had said that ever time her group passed the large gnarly tree.

Yet Sakura disregarded her statement everytime. Her own squad was driving themselves into the ground and by god if Mio was going to fail the exam it wouldn't be becuase of these fools.

"That's enough" the raven haired kunkichi spoke, pushing past Sakura and Naruto, "I'm leading us".

A few hours later and still- team seven had made little to no progress. The had stopped for a break on a large rock, almost given up.

"Hey" from within the brush pushed the familiar face of Kabuto. He was dirty and battle worn.

Sasuke alike to Mio shifted, on edge. "What do you want?" She spoke coldly, glaring. Her hand had slipped into her wepon pouch.

"I bring no harm" Kabuto had his arms raised as a sign of peace. "My team is dead and I'm trying to find my way to the tower- dont worry I already have my scrolls".

Naruto stoody up, jumping towards the older boy "that's where we are going!"

Kabuto smiled, "maybe we can go together?" His eyes surfed over the rest of the team. It was obvious he wasn't well liked by Mio.

"Yes!" Sakura spoke. Maybe he could lead them out of this god awful forest. She had enough of those giant bugs.

Sure enough with Kabuto leading team seven eventually made it to the finishing tower. Only with a little over an hour to spare.

"You can leave now" Mio snarled, watching the teenager retreat. There was something off about him- something very off.

With him out of sight naruto grapsed the two scrolls, unraveling them. In a poof of smoke a man  appeared.

He had slightly tan skin with dark hair and a long scarring cut across his nose.

"Iruka- Sensei!" Naruto called excited.

"Congraulations on passing the exam you guys, I knew you could do it".

Mio looked away and to the wall, ignoring the rest of his victory speech. One more challenge left. Her fingers clawed at her leg with anticipation, but as her gaze shifted to the Uchiha boy it slowed.

Mio seemed to calm at the sight of him- mysterious.


This is a very short chapter, sorry, but I'll update again within the next few days to make up for it!

Hope you enjoyed it though, I love all votes, reads and comments and this is unedited 👏👏

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