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"Let's get this done"

"Let's get this done"

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Team seven stood waiting for their leader. It was now afternoon.

Naruto and Sakura grumbled, complaining about how they didnt have enough time to get ready. Their rush, however, was spent in vain because after three hours of waiting Kakashi finally appeared.

"Sorry I'm late" he scratched the back of his neck with a closed eyed smile. "I was helping an old lady cross the street".

Safe to say, not one of his four squad members believed him.

Mio huffed, all this time waiting could have been put to use. Her eyes slid to the side, peering at Sasuke.

"Why'd you call us here Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura crossed her arms, leaning back.

From his pocket he pulled out four sheets of paper. "To talk to you about the Chunin exams, you don't have to all participate, but if you do choose to, dont be late". He handed a sheet to everyone.

Mio glanced at the paper in her hand. This to her felt a little degrading. She was above this, part of root for God's sake. "Is that all?"

Kakashi nodded before leaving. It was a lie his words. Kakashi knew if their team were to participate everyone needed to join. His reason for the fib was Sakura. The supposed weak link.

With him gone Mio turned to her team, "you doing it?"

Naruto smiled wide and gave her a thumbs up "one step closer to being Hokage".

Sasuke nodded, being a Chunin would be more productive that a genin.

"Sakura?" Mio asked.

The pink haired girl twiddle her fingers, looking to her toes. Out of everyone, she was only one really debating the decision. "Ah, I dont know".

Mio nodded, to be honest, she expected the hesitation from her. "I guess I'll do it too. Beats staying at home all day".

Home. That word sent a shiver through her spine now. She was living with Sasuke, that felt weird to say in her head. Every time she repeated it though a blooming feeling repeated in her chest.

The four stood in awkward silence. Until Naruto broke it. "What to get ramen?" He chuckled nervously.

"I have training to do" Mio crossed her arms. Just because she'd escaped the root, doesn't mean she could slack off. For some reason when those words left her lips she felt remorse. What was this? This had never happened to her. "Maybe some other time?"

Naruto's quick frown slid back up into a smile, could she finally be warming up to him? "Sakura?" A red blush bloomed on his face.

The pinkette only scoffed and shook her head vigorously, "no!"

With that their group slowly dissipated, Sakura went off somewhere and Naruto probably went to get ramen. That left Sasuke and Mio.

She turned to him, "intrested in training fireball?"

His hand reached out to ruffle her hair, hauling her forwards towards the training grounds. "Fine".

They stood across from each other on the matted dirt. Mio lowered in squatted stance before springing forwards. Her hands shifted quickly between hand signs before cupping around her mouth as she blew a mouthful of fire.

The heat fried the air around Sasuke. He dodged, rolling the left and around to her side where he slugged a fist into her ribcage.

She slouched, stumbling slightly. Her finger moved to touch the impacted rib and it seemed to shift against her finger. He had broken her rib.

With an angry hiss she slid towards him and drove her palm into his nose, shoving it back into his face.

Sasuke emitted a wailing noise, lifting his hand to cradle his nose.

"Oops, did I go to far?" Mio smirked and edged forwards watching his eyes well with pain tears from the injury.

Blood slipped out from between his fingers. Angered he activated his sharingan, the red eyes stared into hers.

Just seeing the sharingan seemed to rile Mio. She was an Uchiha. She was supposed to have her own sharingan. Except that foul rotten man, Danzo.

She would never forgive him. She would murder him and take her eyes back.

Mio hated that man.

Sasuke watched as her mood seemed to change. Mio had a more dangerous aura now. Her hands danced together before hitting the ground, another jutsu was headed his way.

The ground split apart in jagged spikes closing around Sasuke. He jumped, avoiding the barrage and sent a heated fireball in her direction.

An earthly wall was sent up in front of Mio for protection. She watched from behind as the rock and mud began melting away in the heat. Swiftly she ran out from behind as the fire ball broke through.

They both dove forwards. Time to end this.


So I've been writing like all day, mostly for Captivated, but still.

I have a few extra chapters for this story so I can publish a little bit more leniently.

Anyways enjoy the chapter, it is unedited.

I love all the votes, reads and comments❤❤

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