Chapter 29~ Hang Out Again!

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Avalon's P.O.V

My head surface again and take a deep breath.

I can't even hold my breath for long.

River and Beverly cheers me on.

"That was awesome, did you see the way Aiden was looking at you?" Beverly says as she swims over to me.

"That's why I did it," I laugh.


"Are you high, River?" I ask as we all watch him examine a fry in the air.

After the pool, we decided to hit the cafe. River said it was the best and had the best milkshakes.

I've now discovered my new addiction which is milkshakes. This one was actually kinda good, if I do say so myself.

"I've always wondered how fries are made," River says as he pops it into his mouth.

Aiden huffs and Hunter face palmed himself.

"Are you serious?" Beverly asks.

"Yes," he says, his face serious.

I also face palm myself and sip my milkshake.

"River, your officially on crack," I state.

Everyone laughs. Ever since my attempt to make Aiden jealous, he hasn't said a word to me which was kinda getting on my nerves.

I was starting to think I pushed a nerve but he started it.

"Is anyone going to that Halloween party this Friday?" River asks as if we didn't know the answer.

"Duh, aren't you guys required to go," I mock his tone the first time he told me that.

"Yes but this is Halloween. I really wanna know what you two ladies are dressing up as," River smirks and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm going as a piece of bacon and Avalon is going to be a bottle of syrup," Beverly says.

Hunter laughs and Aiden smiles.

"You guys aren't serious right?" River asks looking nervous.

"Or we could go as thang one and thang two," I shrug.

"Tell me your joking," River says.

I shake my head.

It was silent for a moment. Aiden tapped his fingers on his glass of tea, River examining fries, Hunter tapping on his phone, Beverly eating her burger and me slurping the remains from my milkshake.

Well, the cup was empty but I was still slurping making that annoying sound that everyone hates.

It took me a while before I noticed their eyes on me. I slowly lift my head up to find them annoyingly staring at me.

"Are you done?" Hunter asks, clearly irritated by my childish actions.

I slurp once last time before lifting my lips slowly from the straw and pushing it away from me.

"Can I get another vanilla milkshake please?" I throw my arm up to the waiter who was cleaning tables.

She nods her head before walking to the back.

"I have a question," Hunter suddenly blurts.

We all turn to look at him.

"And it's for Beverly," he says.

"For me?" She asks, confused.

"For her?" Hunter questions.

Oh God. Why can't this chair swallow me up right now whole?

I don't think I'm ready for what's coming.

"You think we could hang out tomorrow. Like after school?" He asks, I could feel his leg was shaking nervously.

I looked at Aiden who was staring at me, wide eyed.

I feel you.

"W-what?" Beverly chokes out.

"She can't," Hunter comes out of no where.

Never mind, he is sitting at the booth with us.

"Why not?" River furrows his eyebrows looking at Hunter.

I wanted to jump in but this wasn't my business.

"Because me and Beverly are hanging out tomorrow," Hunter says and throws his arm around her.

The waiter finally comes back with my milkshake and I smile. I instantly pull it to my lips to keep my mouth shut.

"We are?" Beverly asks, confused.

"Yes," Hunter says a little bit too quickly.

"Maybe we should all hang out tomorrow," Aiden blurts.

I nod my head "yea... again." I go back to drinking my milkshake.

This must be so awkward for Beverly right now, everyone is silent. Too silent.

"Milkshake?" I suggest.


Looks like they're hanging out again... but where??

Mmmmmm I wanna know to.

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