Chapter 45~ Birthdays.

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Avalon's P.O.V

School finally came and you have no idea how happy I was to see my best friend.

We haven't talked in forever.

The day as went by pretty smoothly. Hunter kept glaring at me as if I owed him his pop tart or something.

I'm sorry for whoever pissed in your Cheerios.

Me and River were in art class as usual just painting. Ms. Ford was sitting behind her desk. She was wearing glasses and had a worried look on her face as she focused on some papers on her desk.

"How are things with Aiden?" He asks as he draws with his paintbrush.

"Everything's great actually. You guys really need to make up," I glance at him and focus back on my flower.

"I don't even think he wants to see me," he chuckles lightly.

"You guys have been best friends your years. You can't split up because of a girl," I tell him even though Aiden and him weren't the ones fighting over my best friend.

I miss being around them. Even if Hunter is a dick.

I'd hate to see them split.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" River suddenly blurts.

"What?" My head snaps towards him.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" He repeats himself.

"No!" I hiss at him, "What the fuck Aiden."

Ugh. My mouth.

What the hell? What makes him think I'm gonna have sex with Aiden Parker.

Never in a million years.


I shrug at River as I sip my milkshake.

I'm seriously addicted to these things.

"Hey guys," Aiden surely plops down beside me.

I watch as River gets tense. He must feel really uncomfortable since Aiden hasn't sat with us for a few days.

"Hey bro," he gives him a wave before digging into his spaghetti.

He looks at me with a smile.

"Hey butter cup," he whispers with a smile.

"Hi," I smile back.

"Okay," Beverly says and sits down beside River, "we need to talk about birthday plans."

"Whose birthday is it?" Aidens asks as he bites into his chicken sandwich.

"Your girlfriend," Beverly says looking directly at me.

My head snaps up.

No one was supposed to know that.

"I didn't know your birthday was tomorrow," Aiden says as he turns to look at me.

"I didn't know you two were dating," River says.

"We aren't-- it isnt-- omg, it isn't even that important," I stumble rolling my eyes.

"The hell if it isn't! You said that last year and I let it slide but this year, your a fucking senior and we're throwing you a fucking party," Beverly says sternly.

Oh. Okay.

"When were you guys gonna tell me you were dating?" River asks as he prop his elbows on the table.

I huff in annoyance, "omg River, we aren't dating."

"Why so irritated babe?" Aiden tease and throws his arms around my shoulders, "I think it's bout time we tell them."

River eyes widened and Beverly squeals.

"Omg, you guys are too cute!" She claps.

I roll my eyes again and rest my head in my hands.

Life sucks.


Next chapter might be a little long because it's the birthday party. Alsoo I kinda have a surprise.

It was requested from a friend:)

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