"So Sick..."

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I feel like life never seems to move

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I feel like life never seems to move.
Like I'm living the same day every day.
Never doing anything different.
Never moving forward.
At first,
It was great.
I liked living the same life every day,
Because it was different from my past life.
But now that this is my present life,
And has been for a while,
I'm bored of it.
I'm bored of doing the same things every day.
And I wish I could move forward and do something new.
But there are just so many things in the way.
So many obstacles in front of me.
It's so frustrating.
Feeling so stuck in my own life.
Like it's not even mine.
Nothing feels like mine anymore.
Maybe because I'm constantly reminded that even the house I live in isn't mine.
Having everything taken from you is one of the hardest things to live with.
And even harder when the people around you always remind you that nothing is yours.
"You lost everything. Nothing is yours. You are nothing"
That's all I hear.
That's all I hear ever.
I just want my life to move forward,
And have something be mine again.

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