"I Was There"

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017; 1:29am

You decided to ditch me after three years of friendship

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You decided to ditch me after three years of friendship.
Although I always saw it coming, and it wasn't the first time you left me.
But this time you really left.
And all the signs were there.
They've been there since sophomore year.
But I ignored them, hoping they were just a figment of my imagination.
After me and Bryant broke up, you kicked me out of the group.
He broke my heart and left me for someone 4 years younger.
And you still took his side.
You told me you didn't want me around anymore.
So, heartbroken even more, I left.
But a few days later, you were talking to me again.
I thought we were okay.
And then he got with one of my closest friends from middle school, and you got to know her.
Right then, you liked her.
Right from the start, you knew she was your new best friend.
So once again, you pushed me out of your inner circle.
I was nothing, once again.
Then, junior year started.
You started talking to me again.
I thought all three of us could be friends, and we were...for a while.
You started to talk shit about the other girl.
How she was annoying you and being a hoe and Talking shit about me.
So I stopped being friends with her.
But you were always in my inner corner.
I loved you so much.
You were my best friend.
But obviously
I didn't mean a thing to you.
When your boyfriend left you, 
I was there.
No one else was.
I was there.
I stood by your side every second to make sure you were okay.
I made you feel okay, even when you were at your worst.
I gave you everything
While you left me with nothing.
You, me, and sammuniz19 hung out together everyday for the last few weeks of school.
Then, on the last week, you started hanging out with Destiny.
It wasn't a big deal.
I wasn't upset that you were hanging out with her.
It's the fact that you lied about it.
You said "I'm just keeping my enemies closer" and made it sound like you're just trying to get information out of her.
But we saw you everyday
Every waking moment, you spent with her.
And you looked pretty comfortable.
The next time you saw us, you said "OMG she's so annoying, I dont know what I got myself into"
You were straight up lying to our faces.
You dont think shes annoying.
You love hanging out with her.
You were together on the last day of school.
And then, after summer started, I find out that all you've been doing was Talking trash about us.
Me especially.
It made me rethink everything you've said.
About Maria.
About Autumn.
About Kylee.
About Halee.
You've been Talking people down, making yourself look better.
These past three years, I've seen you cry more than I.
And I've always held your hand through it.
When Cody Decker left you and treated  you  like garbage.
When Cody Smith left you and pretended he didn't know you.
When Matt left you, like the last four years didn't matter.
But that didn't matter to you.
You're selfish.
All you cared about was yourself.
Just remember.
I gave a fuck when no one else did.
Now you're fucking alone.
How does it feel to be a ghost?

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